Here are the results for the letter v
- A term designating social status: translated as yeoman.
- A feudal tenant, bound to his superior by oath, and responsible for military service on the superior's behalf.
- Administrative group within a parish; the ruling body of a church.
- A widow.
- A widower.
At Easter (term 19 August to 22 April) when
the sheriffs and other revenue collectors made their
proffers at the exchequer, they rendered not a full accounting
but only a reckoning. The revenue officials would
bring a roll of Particulars (Particule Compoti) and It was
from this half yearly roll that a proper account would be
drawn up by the officers of the lower receipt. At Michaelmas
(term 8 April to 1 October) the full audit, the total amounts
paid in and entered on the revenue roll would be submitted
for the quietus est, the final discharge for that year.
- Neighboring area
- Used to describe an unmarried woman in English and European marriage records.
- Vital records are more generally considered to be birth, marriage, and death records.
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