Here are the results for the letter i

The act of seizing people or property for public service or use

Tenure in capite was an ancient tenure, whereby a knight held lands of the king at the king's pleasure and was responsible for all debts on the land to the crown.

The deliberate setting on fire. Arson.

A contract binding one person to work for another for a given period of time.

A deed, contract, or sealed agreement executed between two or more parties; a contract by which a person is bound over for services

One who was voluntarily or involuntarily committed to working for someone for a fixed number of years (usually 4 to 7) in exchange for passage to America or some other financial advantage (i.e., learning a trade). An indentured servant had few, if any, rights, but people without skills or money accepted this position in order to emigrate. After the period of work was over, the servant usually became a freeman. It was also common practice for parents to indenture their children with the intent of having their child learn a trade or craft.

An Innkeeper. A late Middle English word dating back to 1425-75.

A judicial inquiry in common law jurisdictions, particularly one held to determine the cause of a person's death. Conducted by a judge, jury, or government official, an inquest may or may not require an autopsy carried out by a coroner or medical examiner.

Latin abb. instant. In business matters, this month.

1. Having made no valid will. 2. Not disposed of by will. 3. When an owner of real property has died intestate, title to the property is said to pass by descent to the heirs. See also testate

Ironmongery originally referred both to the manufacture, and the place of sale of iron goods produced for domestic rather than industrial use. The usage of the term has expanded in recent times to include consumer goods made of aluminium, brass, or other metals, as well as plastics. The term ironmonger’s as a supplier of such goods is still widely used in Ireland.

Children, descendants, offspring.

Profits accruing to the crown from the penalties imposed for crimes. Issues could also include profits coming from an amercement, fine or expense of a Suit

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