Here are the results for the letter b
- Ballentine, Thomas
Residence: Kinnegoe
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: James Forde
Registration Date: 9th August 1822
- Barras, John
Residence: Ballyblagh
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 2nd March 1816
- Barras, Thomas
Residence: Ballyblagh
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th October 1832
- Barret, William
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 16th July 1817 & 1818
- Battersby, Edward
Residence: Drumnakairn
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 13th July 1814 & 1818
- Baxter, James
Residence: Drumnacairn
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Baxter, James
Residence: Ballynaghy
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Baxter, Thomas
Residence: Drumnacairn
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Baxter, William
Residence: Analoist
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: John Henry Burgess
Registration Date: 19th August 1817 & 1818
- Beaty, Daniel
Residence: Turmoyra
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Bell, John
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £20
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th October 1818 & 1832
- Bell, Launcelott
Residence: Crossmacahly
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 11th August 1817
- Bell, Launcelott
Residence: Crossmacahilly
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Lord Mandeville
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Bell, Samuel A.
Residence: Markethill
Description: Lands
Value: £50
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 21st October 1831
- Bell, William
Residence: Knock
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Miss Sparrow
Registration Date: 19th November 1818
- Belshaw, William
Residence: Tannaghmore North
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 3rd November 1817 & 1818
- Belshaw, William
Residence: Tannaghmore North
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Benson, Thompson
Residence: Lylo
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 11th August 1817
- Benson, Thompson
Residence: Lylo
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Lord Mandeville
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Best, David
Residence: Bocombra
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: John Richardson
Registration Date: 9th September 1817
- Best, James
Residence: Balteagh
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Viscount Mandeville
Registration Date: 18th August 1825
- Best, John
Residence: Ballyhamon
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Dean Blacker
Registration Date: 6th August 1814
- Best, John
Residence: Balteagh
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Lord Mandeville
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Best, John
Residence: Ballyhannon
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Colonel Blacker
Registration Date: 13th November 1832
- Best, John
Residence: Ballyhanon
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Dean Blacker
Registration Date: 31st August 1818
- Best, Oliver
Residence: Moyraverty
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 1st September 1817 & 1818
- Best, Richard
Residence: Bocombra
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: John Richardson
Registration Date: 9th September 1817
- Best, William
Residence: Balteagh
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 1st September 1817
- Best, William
Residence: Moyraverty
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Miss Sparrow
Registration Date: 19th November 1818
- Bickett, James
Residence: Drumnagoon
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Lord Mandeville
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Bickett, John
Residence: Tamnafiglassan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Viscount Mandeville
Registration Date: 18th August 1825
- Black, Edward
Residence: Tearsague
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Black, George
Residence: Knock
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Lord Mandeville
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Black, Henry
Residence: Knock
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Miss Sparrow
Registration Date: 19th November 1818
- Black, James
Residence: Ballyargan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Mrs. Cope
Registration Date: 16th November 1818 & 1832
- Black, John
Residence: Tirsogue
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 16th July 1817 & 1818
- Black, Jonathan
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Black, Robert
Residence: Tearsague
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Black, Robert
Residence: Tirsogue
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 16th July 1817
- Black, Thomas
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Blacker, William
Residence: Carrick
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £50
Landlord: Colonel Blacker
Registration Date: 12th October 1832
- Blair, John
Residence: Killaughey
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Blair, Robert
Residence: Liscorran
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th October 1832
- Blakely, Thomas
Residence: Taberburney
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Blaney, Daniel
Residence: Ballynamoney
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1824
- Blaney, Patrick
Residence: Ballynamony
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Blaney, Patrick
Residence: Ballynamoney
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 17th October1832
- Bleakely, Thomas
Residence: Taberbruny
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Bleakley, Thomas
Residence: Taberhewney
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th October 1832
- Boaner, John
Residence: Drumnakairn
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Boner, Robert
Residence: Drumgor
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Miss Sparrow
Registration Date: 12th July 1819
- Bonier, William
Residence: Drumnacanvy
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th July 1819
- Bonus, Robert
Residence: Drumgor
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Lord Mandeville
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Bowen, Thomas
Residence: Tearsague
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Boyce, James
Residence: Lissaconan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: George Greer
Registration Date: 28th June 1825
- Boyce, John
Residence: Liscorran
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 3rd November 1817
- Boyce, Thomas
Residence: Lissaconan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 2nd March 1816 & 1818
- Boyd, Bullock
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Boyd, James
Residence: Dougher
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 10th January 1815 & 1818
- Boyd, James
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 16th July 1817
- Boyd, James
Residence: Lissaconan
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Boyd, John
Residence: Lissaconan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Boyd, Mathew
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £50
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 12th October 1832
- Boyd, Moses
Residence: Dougher
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 2nd March 1816 & 1818
- Boyd, Patrick
Residence: Dougher
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Boyland, Charles
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Boyle, John
Residence: Knocknashane
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1824
- Boyle, Michael
Residence: Ballynamoney
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1824
- Bradshaw, Joseph
Residence: Dumanacamvy
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Dean Blacker
Registration Date: 6th August 1814 & 1818
- Bradshaw, Joseph
Residence: Drumacanver
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Colonel Blacker
Registration Date: 11th October 1818 & 1832
- Brady, Patrick
Residence: Liscorran
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 3rd November 1817 & 1818
- Brankin, John
Residence: Selshion
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Lord Mandeville
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Breen, Bernard
Residence: Ballynamoney
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th July 1819
- Breen, Patrick
Residence: Derryloste
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Breen, Thomas
Residence: Ballynamony
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Breen, Thomas Jnr.
Residence: Ballynamony
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Bricket, James
Residence: Drumnagoon
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 11th August 1817
- Bricket, John
Residence: Tamnafiglassan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 1st September 1817
- Bridget, William
Residence: Boconnell
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 2nd March 1816 & 1818
- Brown, George
Residence: Drumgor
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Viscount Mandeville
Registration Date: 18th August 1825
- Brown, James
Residence: Aghacommon
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Brown, James
Residence: Aghacommon
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 15th November 1818 & 1832
- Brown, John
Residence: Drumnacairn
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Brown, Moses
Residence: Monbrief
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th October 1818 & 1832
- Brown, Richard
Residence: Monbrief
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Brown, Robert
Residence: Legacorry
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th January 1819
- Brown, Thomas
Residence: Ballynaghy
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 13th November 1832
- Brown, Valentine
Residence: Monbrief
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Brown, William
Residence: Dumanacamvy
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Dean Blacker
Registration Date: 6th August 1814
- Brown, William
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £20
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th October 1818 & 1832
- Browne, George
Residence: Ballynamoney
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th June 1823
- Browne, William
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th June 1823
- Brownlee, James John
Residence: Lurgan
Description: House
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Brownlow, Charles
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Lands
Value: £50
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Bryans, Charles
Residence: Legacorry
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Bryans, David
Residence: Tearsague
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Bryans, William
Residence: Legacorry
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 10th January 1820
- Bullock, Boyd
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Householder
Value: £20
Registration Date: 2nd March 1816
- Bullock, George
Residence: Clanrolla
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 11th August 1817
- Bullock, Isaac
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 2nd March 1816
- Bullock, Jacob
Residence: Drumnagoon
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Miss Sparrow
Registration Date: 19th November 1818
- Bullock, John
Residence: Tamnafiglassan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 11th August 1817
- Bullock, Ralph
Residence: Ballymacrandel
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Colonel Blacker
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Bullock, Thomas
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th October 1832
- Bullock, William
Residence: Drumnagoon
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 11th August 1817 & 1818
- Bunting, Samuel
Residence: Clanrolla
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 3rd November 1817 & 1818
- Bunton, Francis
Residence: Clanrolla
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Bunton, John
Residence: Drumnakairn
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Bunton, Samuel
Residence: Clanrolla
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th October 1832
- Bunton, William
Residence: Clanrolla
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 17th October 1832
- Buntor, Price
Residence: Clanrolla
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Burk, John
Residence: Killaughey
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Burk, Michael
Residence: Cornikinnigan
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Burke, Henry
Residence: Carrickacullion
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th June 1823
- Burke, William
Residence: Cornakinnegar
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Burke, William
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Lands
Value: £50
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 12th October 1832
- Burne, George
Residence: Kinnegoe
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 2nd March 1816
- Burne, James
Residence: Kinnigo
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Burns, Ephraim
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813
- Burns, James
Residence: Taisin
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Miss Sparrow
Registration Date: 27th May 1820
- Burns, John
Residence: Ballyblagh
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Burns, Patrick
Residence: Derrytagh North
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 9th August 1822
- Burns, Thomas
Residence: Ballyblagh
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Busby, Samuel
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: William Brownlow
Registration Date: 25th August 1813 & 1818
- Butler, John
Residence: Lisnisky
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Lady Sparrow
Registration Date: 11th August 1817
- Byrne, Edward
Residence: Ballyblagh
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 15th November 1832
- Byrne, Ephraim
Residence: Lurgan
Description: Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 26th August 1818
- Byrne, George
Residence: Kinnegoe
Description: Houses and Land
Value: £10
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 11th October 1832
- Byrne, George
Residence: Kinnegoe
Description: Houses and Land
Value: 40s
Landlord: Charles Brownlow
Registration Date: 31st August 1818
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