
The 1959 Lurgan Street Directory


House Number and Occupant

From 28 William St. to Charles St.

1 Long, James
3 Burns, John
5 Holbeach, Frederick
7 McConville, Patrick
9 Marshall, Eric
11 McCarron, Hugh
13 Carmichael, James
15 Menary, Margaret
17 McKendry, Annie
19 Hand, Robert
21 Menary, Mary
23 Menary, Teresa
25 Mulholland, John
27 McIlroy, John
29 Magee, Elizabeth
31 Carville, Elizabeth
33 McNally, George
35 Casey, John
37 Rooney, William
39 Totten, Elizabeth
41 Hughes, Elizabeth
43 Lavery John J.

2 Magennis Hugh
4 Toman, Helena
6 McCluskey, James G
8 Magee, John J.
10 Heaney, Hugh
12 Menary, Hugh P.
14 McKinistry, William
16 Breen, Michael, J.
18 Fox, Williallm
20 McVeigh, Francis
22 Gaskin, Joseph H.
24 Casey, John
26 Thornbury, Catherine
28 Sharpe, William
30 McKinistry, George
32 Hawthorne, Meta

Wesley Place, Lurgan

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