Year |
Churchwarden |
Churchwarden |
1672 |
John McCollogh |
and |
John Hoyle. |
1673 |
William Porter, of Lurgan |
and |
William Pierson, of Dogher. |
1674 |
George Hobby, of Carrickenegaire |
and |
William Pierson, of Dogher. |
1675 |
William Spence, of Lurgan |
and |
John Brackenrigg, of Tersoge. |
1676 |
Thomas Walker |
and |
George Davinson. |
1677 |
William Tugh, of Leggacorry |
and |
John Templeton, of Lurgan. |
1678 |
Patrick Wilson, of Lurgan |
and |
George Wesbrell, of Toberhuny. |
1679 |
William Ogle, of Carrigenegare |
and |
William Marshall, of Lurgan. |
1680 |
Valentine Brown, of Monbriefe |
and |
William Smart, of Lurgan. |
1681 |
James Pikering, of Kilmore |
and |
George Hawkins, of Lurgan. |
1682 |
David Blackburne |
and |
John News, of Monbriefe. |
1683 |
John Johnston, of Kilmore |
and |
John Keane. |
Vestry of 1683 there is the following :- “Wee consent and agree that if any parishioner chosen to bee churchwarden will desire to bee excused from serveing, and pay down ye sum of thirty shill. sterl. to ye use of the poore of ye parish, hee shall bee excused, a new vestry called and another fitt person chosen.” |
1684 |
Thomas Cooper |
and |
John Robinson, ye ropemaker. |
1685 |
Thomas White |
and |
Robert Truman. |
1686 |
William Walker |
and |
John Porter. |
1687 |
George Johnston |
and |
William Laburne. |
1688 |
James Henderson, of Lurgan |
and |
John Fisher, of Lissacorran. |
1689 |
James Henderson, of Lurgan |
and |
John Fisher, of Lissacorran. |
1690 |
William Ogle (jun.) |
and |
Christopher Wilson. |
1691 |
– |
and |
– |
1692 |
– |
and |
– |
1693 |
Charles Caine |
and |
John Butcher, of Lissacorran. |
1694 |
William Bell |
and |
John Eliott, of Kilmore. |
1695 |
Alexander Chain, of Lurgan |
and |
William Fairly, of Tersoge. |
At a vestry, held in the Parish Church on the 15th April, 1695, “it was then and there agreed upon that William Farly, of Tersoge, elected churchwarden at Easter last, having paid the sum of thirty shill. for ye use of the parish, pursuant to a former act of vestry, is excused from serving the said office, and Richard Bamber, of Lurgan, elected in his stead.” |
1696 |
Richard Dingwell, of Teignaven |
and |
George Stowell, of Lurgan. |
1697 |
John Titterington, of Lurgan |
and |
William Blair, of Kilmore. |
April 14th, 1697, John Titterington was excused on payment of 30s., and Israel Hodgkinson, of Lurgan, elected in his stead. |
1698 |
John Mathers, of Drumnekern |
and |
William McMurry, of Lurgan. |
1699 |
Thomas Barrowes (Barris) |
and |
Oliver Doway. |
1700 |
John Brown, of Lurgan |
and |
David Watson, of Drumnamoe. |
1701 |
Henry Semple, of Lurgan |
and |
William Davison, of Legacorry. |
1702 |
Alexander Wilson, of Kilmore |
and |
Bryan Smyth, of Lurgan. |
1703 |
– |
and |
– |
1704 |
– |
and |
– |
1705 |
– |
and |
– |
1706 |
Andrew Malcomson, of Legacorry |
and |
Abraham Hoyle, of Lurgan. |
“Memorand. – William Walker served for Andrew Malcolmson.” |
1707 |
Miles Realy, of Lurgan |
and |
Thomas Ogle, of Carrikenegar. |
“Memorand. – It was consented to by ye parishioners yt William Walker serve for Miles Realy at a vestry, Jan. 8, 1707, if ye Chancellor allow it.” |
1708 |
William Stowell, of Lurgan |
and |
George Brown, of Monbriefe. |
1709 |
Thomas Cain, of Lurgan |
and |
John Prichard, of Kilmore. |
1710 |
Joshua Greenwell, of Lurgan |
and |
Thomas Langtree, of Cornikenigar. |
1711 |
Solomon White, of Lurgan |
and |
John Cain, of ye same. |
1712 |
Robert McDowell, of Lurgan |
and |
Edmond McCabe, of Tegnaven. |
1713 |
Arthur Wetherby |
and |
Oliver Turkinton. |
1714 |
Anthony Bunting, of Kilmore |
and |
William Porter, of Lurgan. |
1715 |
William Wallace, of Lurgan |
and |
Alexander Tough, of Legacorry. |
1716 |
Bryan Harton, of Lurgan |
and |
Thomas Corner, of Tullidagon. |
1717 |
Philip Barry, of Lurgan |
and |
Charles Corner, of Dogher. |
1718 |
Richard Clarke, of Lurgan |
and |
Robert Hawkins, of Lurgan. |
1719 |
John Ogle, of Dogher |
and |
Thomas White, of Kilmore. |
1720 |
David Quin |
and |
Thomas Usher. |
1721 |
John Deason |
and |
Thomas Humphreys. |
1722 |
George Andrew |
and |
Joseph Maslin. |
1723 |
William Davis |
and |
Richard Boucher. |
1724 |
George Whiteside, of Lurgan |
and |
Robert Russell, of Legacorry. |
1725 |
James Fabre, of Lurgan |
and |
John Prichard, of Kilmore. |
The appointment of Messrs. Fabre and Prichard was the last that took place in the old church in Shankill graveyard. The new church was consecrated in 1725, and thenceforth the vestries were held there. |
1726 |
Jonathan Gilbert |
and |
William Ellis. |
1727 |
William Russell |
and |
Richard Wetherell. |
1728 |
Henry Elliot, of Kilmore |
and |
James McClinchey. |
1729 |
John Watson |
and |
Thomas Gardner. |
1730 |
George Sample |
and |
William Miller. |
1731 |
George Greenall, of Lurgan |
and |
James Elliot, of Kilmore. |
1732 |
Mark Higgins, of Lurgan |
and |
Joseph Makemson, of Legacorry. |
1733 |
Edward Holmes, of Lurgan |
and |
Samuel Spence, of Drumnakem. |
1734 |
Mr. Barton, of Lurgan |
and |
John Lanktry, of Kilmore. |
1735 |
John Crooks, of Lurgan |
and |
John Ferguson, of Lurgan. |
1736 |
James Ogle |
and |
Patrick Dougan. |
1737 |
Simon McVeagh |
and |
William Costlee. |
1738 |
Robert Kain, of Lurgan |
and |
William Hardy, of Dogher. |
1739 |
Henry Quin |
and |
William Warren. |
1740 |
Solomon White |
and |
William McCoan (Macoun). |
1741 |
Robert Corner |
and |
William Bell. |
1742 |
George Wilson |
and |
David Aprichard. |
1743 |
William Challoner |
and |
Henry Ogle. |
1744 |
John Uprichard (jun.), of Lurgan |
and |
John Adair, of Lurgan. |
1745 |
John Barton, of Lurgan |
and |
William Shaw, of Lurgan. |
1746 |
Abram Wynne |
and |
John Stephenson, the younger. |
1747 |
William Burke, (apothecary), of Lurgan |
and |
Joseph Wilson (merchant), of Lurgan. |
1748 |
John Camack |
and |
John Eastwood. |
1749 |
William Wynn |
and |
Christopher Bryns. |
1750 |
Richard Murrow, of Dogher |
and |
James Forest, of Lurgan. |
1751 |
Alexander Thompson, of Lurgan |
and |
William Langtry, of Kilmore. |
1752 |
David Maziere |
and |
Richard Humphries. |
1753 |
Thomas Read, of Lurgan |
and |
William Coulter, of Tullygally. |
1754 |
Ralph Ellis, of Kilmore |
and |
Joseph Hall, of Lurgan. |
1755 |
William Wilson, of Lurgan |
and |
John Ogle, of Cornakinegar. |
1756 |
Richard Robinson, of Lurgan |
and |
Thomas Graham, of Lurgan. |
1757 |
Thomas Uprichard, of Lurgan |
and |
John Langtry, of Cornakinegar. |
1758 |
Thomas Uprichard |
and |
John Langtry. |
1759 |
David McComson, of Lurgan |
and |
John Humphry, of Kilmore. |
1760 |
Thomas Hardin |
and |
Robert Stewart, of Lurgan. |
1761 |
Thomas Shaw, of Lurgan |
and |
Richard Langtry, of Kilmore. |
1762 |
John Waite |
and |
Joseph McComson, of Lurgan. |
1763 |
Thomas Overend, of Lurgan |
and |
William Miller, of Lurgan. |
1764 |
John Gaddis, of Lurgan |
and |
Richard Swinerton, of Kilmore. |
1765 |
Richard Wetheral, of Monbrief |
and |
William Hazilton, of Lurgan |
1766 |
Thomas Bowen, of Lurgan |
and |
Richard Eustace, of Lurgan. |
1767 |
Thomas Bowen |
and |
Richard Eustace. |
1768 |
Francis Morris |
and |
Robert Ellis. |
1769 |
Adam Cuppage |
and |
William Shaw. |
1770 |
Thomas Druit |
and |
William Richardson. |
1771 |
William Ellis, of Kilmore |
and |
John Shaw, of Lurgan. |
1772 |
Thomas English |
and |
Thomas McCollim. |
1773 |
Joseph Hall (jun.) |
and |
Hugh Gelstone. |
1774 |
William Ellis, of Tullydagon |
and |
Joseph Bailie, of Lurgan. |
1775 |
John Hall, of Lurgan |
and |
John Langtree, of Clanroll. |
1776 |
Thomas Magowan, of Legacorry |
and |
John Turner, of Lurgan. |
1777 |
Francis Aicken |
and |
Mark Maziere. |
1778 |
Jacob Turner |
and |
Henry Rea. |
1779 |
John Harris, of Lurgan |
and |
Benjamin Hone, of Dogher. |
1780 |
James Kennedy, of Lurgan |
and |
Thomas Hudson, of Dogher. |
1781 |
Robert Corner |
and |
John Erwin. |
1782 |
John Waite, the younger |
and |
George Elliot, of Kilmore. |
1783 |
Thomas Bunting, of Lurgan |
and |
John Stevenson, of Kilmore. |
1784 |
William Coulter (jun.) |
and |
John Madde. |
1785 |
William Emmerson, of Lurgan |
and |
William Langtry, of Cornakinegar. |
1786 |
John Rutherford, of Lurgan |
and |
John Walsh, of Kilmore |
1787 |
Peter Johnston, of Lurgan |
and |
Andrew Malcomson, of Legacorry. |
1788 |
William Bell, of Lurgan |
and |
William McCoun, the younger, of Kilmore. |
1789 |
Henry McVeagh, of Lurgan |
and |
Thomas Humphreys, of Kilmore. |
1790 |
John Elliot, of Annadroghill |
and |
Henry Gilbert, of Lurgan. |
1791 |
Richard Blood, of Lurgan |
and |
Charles Lounsdale, of Drumnakem. |
1792 |
James Magowan (jun.), of Lurgan |
and |
Thomas Elliot, of Kilmore. |
1793 |
Thomas Johnston |
and |
Robert Hazelton. |
1794 |
James Boyd, of Lurgan |
and |
William Stevenson, of Kilmore. |
1795 |
Joshua Des Voeux |
and |
James Pedley. |
3rd June 1795 – Daniel McStea elected instead of James Pedley. |
1796 |
John Hickey |
and |
Pierce Buntin. |
1797 |
Joseph Hall |
and |
William Turkington, of Lurgan |
1798 |
Randal William Shaw |
and |
Alexander Cuppage. |
1799 |
Thomas Morris, of Lurgan |
and |
James Millar, of Dogher. |
1800 |
Joseph Wilson, of Lurgan |
and |
Henry Elliot, of Kilmore. |