The Protestant Householder Returns 1740
Surnames U - Z
Compiled by Ken Austin

High st and Market st Lurgan

Umfry, George - Lurgan
Umfry, John - Lurgan
Umfry, Simon - Lurgan
Umfry, Thomas - Shankill
Umfry, Thomas - Lurgan

Vanard, Thomas - Lurgan
Venard, Rose - Shankill
Valantine, Widow - Lurgan

Wade, Thomas - Lurgan
Walker, Sara - Lurgan
Wallace, George - Shankill
Wallace, Robert - Lurgan
Walsh, Patrick - Lurgan
Warren, William - Shankill
Watson, David - Lurgan
Watson, James - Shankill
Watson, John - Lurgan
Watson, Widow - Lurgan
Web, Flower - Lurgan
Web, Isaac - Shankill
Web, Isaac - Lurgan
Web, Widow - Lurgan
Weldon, Nicholas - Lurgan
Wettarby, Mr. - Lurgan
White, Andrew - Lurgan
White, Soloman - Shankill
White, Thomas - Lurgan
Whitsitt, Mrs. - Lurgan
Whitsitt, William - Shankill
Wigstead, William - Shankill
Wigstead, William - Lurgan
Williamson, William - Lurgan
Wilson, George - Lurgan
Wilson, Hugh - Shankill
Wilson, James - Lurgan
Wilson, John - Lurgan
Wilson, John - Shankill
Wilson, Joseph - Lurgan
Wilson, Nicholas - Shankill
Wilson, Patrick - Lurgan
Wilson, Patrick - Shankill
Wilson, Robert - Shankill
Wilson, Robert - Lurgan
Wilson, Widow - Lurgan
Wilson, William - Lurgan
Wilson, William - Shankill
Win, Alexander - Shankill
Wisdom, Obed - Lurgan
Wittercrafft, George - Lurgan

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