Portadown Residential Directory 1888
From Bassett's Book of Co Armagh
Surnames G - L
Abbreviations, Sub-Post Offices included in this list:
B’corr—Ballynacorr; B’hill—Battlehill; Crab—Crabtree lane;
D’ville—Derryanville; D.C.—Derryhale Corner; Mul—Mullantine; S’st—Scotch st.
Garvey, Joseph, Coharra, S' st
Garvey, Patrick, Annagora, S' st
Gennett, Robert, Ballintaggart
Geough, John, Mulladry, Mul
Gibson, James, Crabtree lane
Gibsan, Miss S., William st
Gibson, Richard, Lylo
Gibson, T. D., Res. Magistrate
Gibson, William, Ballyworkan
Gilbert, Jthn., Ballynacorr
Gilbert, Richard, Ballynacorr
Gilbert, Stephen, Mulladry, Mul
Gilbert, William A., Seago up
Gillespie, IIenry, Derryletiff, S' st
Gillespie, William, Roughan, S' st
Gilpin, Andrew, Drumnagoon
Gilpin, John, Balteagh
Gilpin, Thomas, Clenroll
Gilpin, Wm. J., Tamnifiglasson
Glass, Samuel, Mulladry, Mul
Gough, William, Bridge st
Gracey, Robert, Balteagh
Gracey, Robert, T’lasson, C’roll
Graham, David, Castle st
Graham, Francis, Cornascrebe
Graham. John, Derryhale c
Graham, John, Cushenny, S' st
Graham, Robert, Castle st
Graham, Thomas, Derryhale c
Green, James, Banllynaghy
Greer, James, Mullalelish, D c
Greer, John, Mullalelish, D c
Greer, J. W., Church st
Greer, Thomas, Ballybreagh D c
Greer, William, Ballybreagh D c
Greer, William, 41 High st
Grew, James, Alma terrace
Grew, John, High st
Gribben, Daniel, Altahracka
Gribben, Francis, Artabracka
Gribben, James, Artabracka
Grimes, David, Drumheriff, S' st
Grimshaw, H., Kilmoriarty, Mul
Grimshaw, Wm., Kilmoriarty, MoI
Guy, Robert, Derryvore, B'corr
Guy, Mrs. M. A., Carlton st
Haddock, Mrs , Ealtea, Clenroll
Hall, C., Artabracka, Mul
Hall, Charles, Derrycorry
Hall, Jas., Clonroot, B'hill
Hall, Mrs., Hanover st
Hall, Wm. (C.T.C.) High st
Halligan, John, Derryhale c
Hamill, Thomas, Mullantine
Hamilton, William, Seagoe lower
Hampton, E., Clonroot, B’hill
Hampton, J., Drumard P. B’hill
Hampton, S., Drumard P. B’hill
Harbinson, Thomas, Cornascrebe
Harcourt, James, Ballyworkan
Hare, Moses, Derryhale c
Hare, W. J., Derryhale c
Harrison, Sl., Muckery, Crab
Harrison, S. J., Muckery
Hart, Gabriel, Ballynageown
Hart, James, Drumard Primate
Heaney, W.. Drumnacanvey
Henon, Miss I., Ballynacor
Henry, J., Carleton st
Henry, Mrs., William st
Henry, Ptk., Ballyworkan
Henry, Robt., Hanover st
Hewitt, Geo., Clonroot, B’hill
Hewitt, J., Clonroot, B'hill
Hewitt, John, Ballintaggart
Hewitt, Jthn. Clonroot, B'hill
Hewitt, J., jun.. Clonroot. B'hill
Hewitt, Mark, Battlehill
Hewitt, Mrs., Clonroot, B’hill
Hewitt, Mrs., Dromard P. B’hill
Hewitt. Rt., Clonroot, B’hill
Hewilt, R., jun., Clonroot, B’hill
Hewitt, Thos., Battlehill
Hewitt Wm., Ballintaggart
Hewitt W. J., Clonroot, B’hill
Hobson, Rt., Mullantine
Holmes, John, Killycomain
Honeyford, B. jun.,C’muckly, S'st
Honeyford, J., C’muckla, S' st
Honeyford, John, Drumgoose I
Honeyford, Rd., Ballyfodrin, S'st
Honeyrord, Rbsn., Ballintaggart
Honeyford, T. Ballyfodrin, S'st
Hopps, Robert, Clenroll
Hopps, William, Crossmacugley
Hughes, Mrs., K’mena, Clenroll
Hunniford, David, Ballintaggart
Hunter, David R., Artabracka
Hyde, Robert, Tumblekeny S'st
Hyde, Thomas, Foybeg
Ingram, Thomas, Drumgoose
Jackson, Alex., Corcullentrabeg
Jennett, George, Breagh
Johnston, Chas. (J.P.) Beechcote
Johnston, John, Woodhouse st
Johnston, Jno. (P.M.) Clenroll
Johnston, M., K'mena, Clenroll
Johnston, Mrs. L, Unshena S'st
Johnston, Samuel, Roughann S'st
Johnston, T.. Canoneill, S'st
Jones, John, Ballyworkan
Jones, John, Corbracky
Jones, Ralph, Derryvane
Jones, William, Corbrackey
Kane, Jno., Ballinarry, B'corr
Keegan, William, Timakeel, S'st
Keiron, J., Artabracka, Mul
Kelly, John, Ballynagone
Kelly, Thomas, Battlehill
Kingsboro', H., Dnlmalis, S'st
Lappin, Alex., Cornascrebe
Larmer, George, Mullantine
Leckie, John, Ballyworkan
Leckey, John, Battlehill
Leckie, Thomas, Ballyworkan
Leitch, Rev. A., Drumcree
Lindsay, William, Ballintaggart
Loughead, James, Derryhale c
Loughead, Joseph, Dcrryhale c
Loughran, Mrs., Artabracka, Mul
Love, David, (P.M.) Scotchstreet
Love, James, Timakeel, S'st
Love, John, Koughan, S'st
Love John, Timakeel, S'st
Love, Joseph, Kougllan, S'st
Love, J. G., Carnagolabeg, S'st
Love, R., Timakeel, S'st
Love, Wm., Drumheriff, S'st
Lutton, Jno., Bridge st
Lutton, Robert, Baltylum
Lutton, W. J., Breagh
Lynas, Robert, Tarsan, B'corr
Lyness, Jas., Carne, B'corr

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