The 1910 Portadown Street Directory
Name and Occupation
Devine, J. A., refreshments
Farrell, A. T., solicitor
Fergus, S., manager Co-operative Society
Harris, B., & Co., housefurnishers
Hegan & Co., leather and hardware merchants
Houston, James, carpenter
Hughes, William, posting establishment
Morrow, Miss, boarding-house
M'Conville Bros., hotel proprietors
M'Kittrick, William, superintendent Refuge Assurance Co.
Portadown Co-operative Society, Ltd., grocers and drapers
Twinen, James, draper
Whyte, F. W., saddler and harness maker
Wright, W. J., Crown Temperance Hotel
Collins, W. J., dealer
Crozier, George, pork cutter
Kelson, R. H., baker
Martin, John G.
Wilson, Leonard
Anglo-American Oil Co. Depot
Atkinson, William Scott, Provincial Mineral Water Co. Depot
Conn, William, shoemaker
Grew, James, & Co., seed merchants
M'Clatchy, Ed., grocer and bag merchant
M'Cusker, Luke, blacksmith
M'Kinstry, William, blacksmith
M'Reynolds, J. H., Civil Bill officer
O'Neill, Ann, marine dealer
Veitch, William, grocer
Allen, Mrs. E., stationer
Atkinson & Quinn, hardware merchants
Brandon, H. B., & Co., chartered accountants—James Boyd, manager
Carrick, W. W., fruiterer
Chapman, D., druggist and grocer
Corbet, Robert, & Son, drapers
Elliot & Stevenson, drapers
Forbes, G. R., & Co., drapers
Gibson, John, & Co., grocers and provision
Gilbey, W. A., & Co., wine and spirit merchants
Hosey, John, draper
Jeffers, Mrs., newsagent
Johnston, W. J., publican
Jones, John, butcher
Jones, Miss, stationer
Kelly, James, publican
Liddell, Dr. G., M.B., surgeon
M'Kell, James, baker and grocer
Pedlow Brothers, grocers
Rea & Ross, hardware merchants
Stewart, Totton, butcher
The John Ross Co., outfitters
The River Plate Fresh Meat Co.
The Crown Cafe
Todd, J. M., hardware merchant
Trouton, Jones, & Co., fleshers
Tweebals, —, hardware dealer
Grimason, Joseph, tailor
M'Mahon, John, dealer
Portadown Laundry, Spence, Bryson, & Co.
Black, Thomas, grocer
Freeburn, R. G., breadserver
Montgomery, James, blacksmith
Anderson, Miss J., dressmaker
Baillie, William, mechanic
Bradshaw, Thomas, breadserver
Dermott, John, gardener
Livingston, John, tailor
Robinson, A.
Sturgeon, William, carpenter
Trimble, William J., tenter
Uprichard, Joseph, carpenter
Whitten, George, mason
Wilson, Robert
Belfast Mineral Water Co.—D. Meehan, manager
Brankin, John, publican
Catholic Reading Room
Corbett, H. H., forage merchant
Corcrain National School
Davison Bros.—Alexandra Bakery
Hughes, Charles, cattle dealer, Liberty hall
Mallon, Patrick, grocer
Mooney, Edward, blacksmith
Murphy, Stephen, blacksmith
M'Aneaney, Henry, grocer
M'Cammon & Sprott, provision merchants and pork curers
M'Cann, John, grocer
M'Court, P., jun., fowl dealer
M'Guigan, S., dealer
Sharkey, Edward, horse dealer
Smith, George, teacher
Sprott, Samuel, Springfield Oil Works
Wright, James, publican
Hyde, Joseph, mason
Hyde, Thomas, mason
Ireland, Thomas, tenter
Magee, M., blacksmith
Newell, John, carpenter
Robinson, David, carpenter
Allen, Robert, carpenter
Baxter, W., yarndresser
Brady, Isaac, shoemaker
Blythe, William, compositor
Black, A., mason
Cleland, John, baker
Conway, Alice, midwife
Haire, Alfred, clerk and rent agent
Holland, Joseph, tenter
Lawless, P., enginedriver
Pollock, D., carpenter
Watson, T. H., signalman
Whillen, W., postman
Wright, T., overseer P.O.
Andrews, F. W., agent L. & N.W. Railway
Bell, J., insurance agent
Bell, J., mechanic
County Armagh Cider Works
Clayton, I., handkerchief manufacturer
Davidson, Jas., pensioner
Edgar, James, manager
Friends' Meeting House
Frizzel, H., agent Belfast S.S. Co.
Glassey, W., mechanic
Hall, James, confectioner
Harper, James, mechanic
Ruddock, D., breadserver
Spence, Bryson, & Co., linen handkerchief and weaving factory
Sloan, J., supt. S.A. Insurance
Sullivan, James, grocer
Thomas St. Methodist Schools
Walker, Isaac, egg merchant
Parkside Damask Factory
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