Lurgan Model School
Annual Pupil Examination Register 1869
LURGAN, Wednesday 23 December 1869. Today, the annual public examination of the pupils attending this flourishing school was held in the Boys School-room, under the superintendence of J. G. Fleming, Esq., Head-Inspector; J. Brown, Esq., District-Inspector; and D. J. Roantree, Esq. This school has already earned for itself a very high reputation, and it must be gratifying to the friends of the National System of Education to learn that the number of children now on the roll is greater than at any former period. The room in which the examination was held was crowded by the elite of the neighbourhood and friends of the pupils; and, if the interest taken by the public in an educational institute is to be reckoned a criterion of success, the Lurgan Model Schools must certainly be regarded as occupying a very high position.
Among the visitors present during the day were :-
John Hancock, Esq., J.P.; |
William Wells, Esq., |
Miss M. McGeown, |
Rev. Theophilus Campbell, |
A. Gribb, Esq., |
Miss S. A. Baird, |
Rev. L. E. Berkeley, |
William Smyth, Esq., |
Mrs. C. W. Gibb, |
Rev. J. G. Clarke, |
S. Rogers, Esq., M.D.; |
Mrs. Agnes Gibb, |
Rev. John Douglas, Portadown; |
Mrs. Carrick, |
George Jones, Esq., |
Rev. John E. Green, |
Miss Hazelton, |
James Jones, Esq., |
Rev. Irvine Johnston, |
Mrs. Egerton, |
Miss Alice, |
Rev. John Johnston, |
James Campbell, Esq., |
Mrs. M. Murrow, |
Miss McClure, |
Mrs. Strahau, |
Miss S. J. Sparks, |
Miss Makay, |
Miss Murphy, |
Mrs. Hazleton, and |
Patrick Kerlin, Esq., |
Miss A. Lutton, |
the Misses Hazleton(2); |
Mrs. Burgoine, |
Miss M. Lutton, |
Mrs. Wilson, |
Mrs. Magahan, |
Mrs. Wells, |
Miss, Wilson, |
Miss Armstrong, |
Mr. and Mrs. Megahey, |
Miss Irwin, |
John Pelan, Esq., |
Thomas Gamble, Esq. |
Miss McCaw, |
Richard Goold, Esq., |
Mrs. Gamble, |
Mis Uprichard, |
Miss A. J. Meharg, |
William Macoun, Esq., |
Mrs. Millar, |
Mrs. Chapman, |
Miss Bullick, |
Miss Millar, |
Miss Ruddell, |
Miss A. Bullick, |
Mrs.Levingston, |
Mrs. Sheppard, |
John Henning, Esq., |
Mrs. Campbell, |
Mrs. Black, |
Mrs. Henning, and |
Mrs. Lindsay, |
G. Ruddell, Esq., Turmoyra; |
Miss Henning, Waringstown, |
Mrs. Jones, |
Mrs. Eccles, |
A. Simpson, Esq., |
Miss McClure, |
Miss J. Bowen, |
Mrs. E. Wilkinson, |
Miss E. Levingston, |
Miss H. Pedlow, |
A. Pedlow, Esq., |
the Misses Campbell, |
the Misses Watson, |
G. W. McCutcheon, Esq., |
J. R. Mahaffy, Esq., |
Mrs. Uprichard, |
Mrs. Maxwell, |
William Brown, Esq., |
Robert Pedlow, Esq., |
Mrs. J. McConnell, |
William Kerr, Esq., |
John Cairns, Esq., |
Mrs. A. Anderson, |
James Wallace, Esq., |
William English, Esq., |
Mrs. A. McGeown, |
R. Taylor, Esq., |
Samuel Moore, Esq., |
The celebrated William Scribble, author of Old Carlisle Bridge,was also present. |
The result of the examination was certainly highly gratifying to the friends of the pupils and the teachers. The children were subjected to a most searching examination by the teachers, as well as by the visitors, and the readiness with which they replied to the questions, many of which were of an intricate and delicate nature, as well as the accuracy of their answers, evinced a very high degree of efficiency, indeed. Their demeanour in answering manifested the most careful and successful training on the part of their teachers, and promptitude and intelligence on their own part.
The success of these institutions has never been placed beyond a doubt ; and we are sure it must be exceedingly gratifying to the friends of united secular education to learn that they will still meet with that amount of patronage to which their merits entitle them. The examinations commenced about eleven oclock, when the junior division of the girls was examined by Miss Emily Greer in the geography of Ireland and arithmetic tables; and the junior division of boys was examined by Mr. Magill in reading and the geography of Australia. The readiness of the answering and the acquaintance manifested with the subjects were highly creditable to both teachers and taught and would have done credit to more advanced pupils. The middle division of boys came next. The girls were examined by Mrs. Porter in oral spelling (verbal distinctions) and writing from dictation, and by Mr. W. J. Galwey in natural history and etymology. The answers were given without hesitation, and with an accuracy remarkable for such young pupils. Several visitors expressed themselves highly gratified at the manner in which the children acquitted themselves. The infants were then brought in, and were examined by Miss E. Gay in reading, geography, and singing. This was one of the most interesting parts of the proceedings of the day; and the appearance of the little children, and their general smartness, formed the subject of repeated remark.
This concluded the first part of the programme, after which Mr. J. J. Gaskin, who for a considerable time past has had charge of the musical education of the children, subjected them to a very searching examination in the science and principles of music. He furnished them with pieces which they had never before tried, and indeed we must say that some of the pieces were of a difficult and intricate nature ; but the children went through them in almost faultless style, and proving that Mr. Gaskins training is eminently successful. He examined them very closely on scales, chords, and open harmony, after which the following pieces were sung :- Duet, sacred, God shall wipe away all tears.Part song (Rossini). Song, in unison, Where the bee sucks,from the Tempest(Dr. Arne). Song and chorus, Oh, native music(Sam Lover). The children acquitted themselves in a manner highly creditable, and elicited the warm applause of the audience.
The senior division of the boys was then examined by Mr. Greer, the head-master, and Mr. Galway, in reading, dictation, grammar, and arithmetic. The boys acquitted themselves in a highly creditable manner, and manifested the careful system of training which had been pursued. Several of the questions in arithmetic were somewhat difficult; but the children passed through the ordeal with great credit. After an interesting and satisfactory examination of the senior division of the girls, in reading, geography, and mental arithmetic, by Miss Lizzie Collins, the head-mistress an examination which was very testing the senior division of the boys were brought in and subjected by Mr. Mooney to a trial as to their knowledge of physical science. Several interesting experiments were made in this department, and we might almost say, with the exception of the music, it formed the most interesting part of the days proceedings. This ended one of the most successful examinations-indeed, the most successful-ever held in connection with this school; and the headmaster, Mr. Greer, and the head-mistress, Miss Collins, have every reason to be gratified, if not proud, at the result. All the children were then brought out, and sang the following programme, under the leadership of Mr. Gaskin, in a very creditable style :- Duet, Oh, ever thus,arranged for forty voices, contralto and soprano (Stephen Glover). Part song, Evening Bells(A. Lee). Duet, Who has not felt neath azure Skies(J. J. Gaskin) words by Lord Morpeth, the late Earl of Carlisle. Recollections of Scotland, Lassie would you Love Meharmonised. Glee, Come, follow Mab, your Queen(Sir J. Stevenson). Chorus, What the Bee is to the Flowret(Dr. Denning). God Save the Queen, and God Bless our Native Land(harmonised by Sir John Stevenson). The pieces were all executed with great success.
A number of specimens of the pupils penmanship were shown to the visitors, and their style and neatness elicited general commendation. In the girls school a large quantity of work, all worked by the children, was shown, and the assiduous and successful teachers were complimented by the visitors upon its excellence; while remarkable deftness in Berlin wool and other fancy work was displayed by the children. By the way, we may mention that the answering in all departments was very creditable; and we are sure the pupils reached as high as 90 per cent, while a very large number exceeded 80 per cent.
After the regular business had been concluded, a competition in reading for two special prizes was engaged in. The following children were selected to take part in it :-
Boys |
Girls |
Cecil Russell, |
Jessie Bullow, |
Andrew P. Sheppard, |
Minnie Gamble, |
Henry Mahaffey, |
Eliza A. Tedford, |
James Mercer, |
Ellen Midgley, |
Joseph W. Wilson, |
Henrietta Evans, |
William R. Uprichard. |
Cecilia Murchie. |
A committee from amongst the visitors was appointed to decide as to the merits of the competitors, and, after hearing two pieces read by each, they selected Master Henry Mahaffey and Miss Jessie Bullow as the most meritorious. The decision seemed to give general satisfaction.
Mr. HANCOCK then said, by the kindness of Mr. Fleming, he had been permitted to say a word or two. (Hear, hear.) He would not say anything in regard to the very excellent examinations they had just witnessed though he was sure they all felt exceedingly gratified at the result, and felt it was very creditable to the teachers and pupils but would confine himself to another matter. When he contrasted this beautiful hall and its audience with his early recollections of learning when, they had two schoolmasters, neither of whom could sing a tune, he thought they would say some progress had been made. (Applause.) He had the pleasure to announce that he was now in a position to distribute twelve medals, and he had also to announce that he hoped, on the next occasion, to be in a similar position. Six of these medals were the gift of Lord Lurgan, and five were given by the manufacturers of Lurgan, who had entrusted him, as Chairman of the Town Commissioners, with the privilege of distributing them. (Hear, hear.) That accounted for eleven of them. The other one was the gift of a friend, whose name he was not at liberty to mention. Ten of the medals were to be given on the private examination made by the inspectors, but the other two had been competed for to-day in public. They were suggested by the Rev. Mr. Clarke at the last examination. These had been won in their presence on the votes of the gentlemen who had voted. This accounted for all the medals. (Applause.) He would now express his great gratification at the very intelligent manner in which the answers had been given, and he thought their thanks were due to the inspectors as well as to the teachers of this noble institution. (Applause). The prizes were then distributed.
Henry Mahaffey, |
superior proficiency in school course; |
Joseph Macart Wilson, |
superior proficiency in school course; |
William James McKinstry, |
superior proficiency in school course; |
Jane Kerr, |
superior proficiency in school course; |
Eliza A. Tedford, |
superior proficiency in school course. |
Hugh James Hayes, |
superior preparation of home lessons; |
James Pyper, |
exemplary regularity of attendance; |
Minnie Gamble, |
superior preparation of home lessons; |
Susanna Dillon, |
exemplary regularity of attendance; |
Cceilia Murchie, |
excellence in plain needlework. |
Fifth Class. |
Henry Mahaffey, |
Joseph Macart Wilson, |
William Robert Uprichard. |
Fourth Class. |
Fourth Class. |
John Atkinson, |
Jane Kerr, |
Samuel Waite, |
Minnie Gamble, |
John Uprichard, |
Jessie Bullow, |
Alfred Harper, |
Mary J. Hamilton, |
William Wilkinson, |
Mary Gordon, |
James Pyper, |
Eliza A. Tedford, |
James Dumigan, |
Eliza Ritchie, |
John Parks, |
Rachel McClatchey, |
Agnew McKeown, |
Esther Cairns, |
James Magill, |
Henrietta Evans, |
John Malone, |
Minnie Menary, |
John Byrne, |
Letitia Hanna, |
Thomas Kennedy, |
Kate Uprichard, |
Andrew P. Sheppard, |
Susanna Dillon, |
Thompson Best |
Maggie Uprichard, |
Sarah J. Waugh, |
Lillie Ballard, |
Charlotte McGeown, |
Annie Kinghan, |
Euphemia Smyth, |
Martha Campbell, |
Maggie Strahan, |
Maggie Gamble, |
Marian Robinson, |
Lizzie J. Chapman. |
Third Class. |
William J. McKinstry, |
Hugh James Hayes, |
Henry Cordner, |
William Henry Crawford, |
Hugh Sinton Faile, |
Alexander Simpson, |
William John McMullen, |
Thomas Cordner, |
Samuel Wilkinson, |
William John Lappin, |
William Lindsay, |
David Pyper, |
James Hyland, |
George Goold, |
Thomas McClatchy, |
Robert Irwine, |
William Gorman, |
Joseph Soye, |
Adam Haughey. |
Second Class. |
Second Class. |
Thomas McGeown, |
Sarah A. Lindsay, |
Theophilus Reynolds, |
Sarah McCaughey, |
Robert McCollum, |
Rebecca McStay, |
Arthur Ritchie, |
Jessie Gibb, |
George R. Carrick, |
Rachel Uprichard, |
Robert Dynes, |
Annie Ellis, |
Thomas Sullivan, |
Maggie Collins, |
Joseph McCahey, |
Annie Grant, |
Hugh McGuiggan, |
Lizzie McCollum, |
William McDonald Mackey, |
Lydia Megahey, |
Robert McIlwaine, |
Annie Espie, |
John M. B. Dufferin, |
Sarah J. Whitfield, |
James H. Smyth, |
Rosa Hazelton, |
James Waite. |
Eliza Kennedy, |
Ellen Bridget, |
Eliza Fleming, |
Mary Bridget, |
Sarah J. Dillon. |
Plain Sewing. |
Cecilia Murchie, |
Eliza J. McClean. |
Plain Knitting. |
Jane Crozier, |
Letitia Hanna. |
Fancy Work. |
Mary J. Hamilton, |
Maggie McGeown. |
Minnie E. Mahaffey, |
James Strahan, |
Henry McClatchy, |
Mary Mahaffey, |
Stephenson Macoun, |
Mary Pentland, |
William Uprichard, |
James Uprichard, |
Lucy Hazelton, |
James Shanks. |
Transcribed from The Belfast News-Letter, 23 December 1869.
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