Lurgan Business Directory 1945
From the Directory of Belfast and Ulster
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Abraham, Howard, garage prop., Avenue rd
Abercromby & Co., confectioners, High street
Adair. Wm. J., electrician. Windsor Avenue
Adamson, J., bank manager. Market street
Addis, George, greengrocer, Queen street
Agnew, John, High street
Allen, Fred., cattle dealer, Grasemere, Maralin
Allen. James. J.P.. High Street
Allen. J.. M.R.C.V.S.. High Street
Allen. —, victualler. William Street
Anderson, Donald, High Street
Anderson, G. A . seed merchant., High street
Anderson. H. M., accountant, William st
Anderson, H. W. D., Lough road
Anderson, Sophia, Queen Street
Archer, Herbert C., Avenue road
Archer, Thomas, shoemaker, Victoria Street
Archer. V. boot shop. Church Place
Armour & Co., Ltd., produce merchants. Frederick Place
Armstrong, K. W. boot merchant., Market st
Armstrong, S., jeweller, &c., Church place
Arnold. G., art teacher, Queen street
Baird. Charles, carpenter Union st,
Baird W F B. manufacturer. Hill street
Baird W. F. B., & Co.. Ltd.. manufacturers, Union street.
Balance, Miss. Draper warehouse, High st
Bassett, W.W. F.R.C.S.I. Grianan Lurgan
Baxter, Thomas, book shop, William street
Baxter, Walter, chemist. Market Street
Beckett, Evelyn, costumier. High street
Bell, I. E., clerk of Lurgan Union, Belfast road
Bell, Miss, Belle Vue
Bell, Philip, Solitude
Bell, Robert, Hill street
Bell, Robert, Lough road
Berwick, Edward, publican, William street
Berwick, Joseph, publican. Church place
Best, Ernest, dentist. William street
Best. J. A. & Co.. boxmakers. Queen Street
Blakely, Jackson G., C.E.. Windsor ave
Blayney, John, publican, Church place
Blayney, W. H., publican, Edward street
Bleakley. R., linen merchant. Donacloney
Booth, Norman, & Co., chartered accountants, Mechanics' Institute, Market street
Boston, James, pawnbroker, High street
Bothwell, James, Windsor avenue
Boxmore Coy., Dollingstown
Bradley, Miss, dressmaker, Church place
Brady, Thos., confectioner, Edward street
Bratty, William, Lough Road
Breen, Peter. grocer, North street
Brosnan, M. B.. teacher, Lough road
Brown. Cecil. J.P.. The Limes
Brown. D., Gilford road
Brown, E. tailor, Union street
Brown, Harold, Market street
Brown, Mrs., Avenue road
Brown, W. J., tailor, Union street
Brownlow Arms Hotel—Proprietress. Mrs. M'Caffrey. Market street
Buckley, James, caretaker. Wellington Street
Buckley, S H. W., draper. High street
Buckley, Mrs. S. B. High Street
Bullick, J., & Co., stitching factory. William street
Burnison, Sam., tenter. Brownlow terrace
Burns, Howard, electrician, Queen street
Burns, Joseph carpenter, George street
Burns, Mrs.. Union street
Burns, Robt.. water inspector, Union street
Burrell, Thomas, clerk
Bush, Thomas mechanic, Avenue road
Byrne, Arthur, butcher, Edward street
Cairns, W. H., grocer, William street
Cafolla, Jos., confectioner. Church place
Callaghan, Chas J., builder, Gilford road
Calvert, David, draper, Market street
Calvert, James, Avenue road
Campbell, George. Factory Lane
Campbell, Henry., Windsor avenue
Campbell, Mrs. Harrison, grocer Queen st
Cargan. Mrs., drapery and millinery, Market street
Carrick, Lynn. High street
Carson & Co. Ltd. grocers. Market Street
Carson, P., tailor and draper, Carnegie street
Carson. J. T., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., Market street
Carson, Mrs., boxmaker, Union street
Carason, William J., painter, &c,, Queen street
Carville, B., barber, Wellington street
Casey, Catherine, victualler, William street
Cassidy, James, grocer. Victoria street
Castles, Bertie, monumental works, Queen st
Castles, J. Newsagent and Tobacconist; Agent for Belfast News-Letter. 23 William Street
Chambers, Dinah, Lough road
Charleton, , C. J., Gilford Road
Christie, J. K., Wellington st
Clarke, Frank, porter, Elim hall, Carnegie street
Clarke, S. I., wireless. Church Place
Clarke, Thomas, Springfield house
Clarke. W. T., draper. &c., Market street
Clifton, J. A.. 63 Gilford Road
Clifton. Son. & Co. Ltd., wholesale warehousemen. Queen Street
Connelly. Wm., Queen street
Cooper, Albert, builder, Avenue road
Cooper, S., builder and contractor, Monbrief
Coote, Capt., Lough road
Corkin, Mrs. J., Queen street
Corkin, W., High street
Corkin's Furnishing Stores, Market Street
Corner, Miss, grocer. &c.. Union street
Corner, W. J., clerk of Rural Councils High street
Cousins, Mrs., confectioner, Union street
Cowden. Mrs., High st
Crawford, Wm.. Wellington street
Crawford, W. H., & Co., bottling works William street
Creeney. John, coal mercht., Wellington st
Cross, Alexander, & Sons, North street
Crothers, Samuel, mineral water manufacturer, William street
Crosier, W., Union street
Culbert, Benjamin, jun., clerk, Monbrief
Cummins, H. Agent for " Belfast News-Letter." Railway Terrace
Cummins, Joseph, carpenter, Victoria street
Cummins, S., 82 Hill Street
Cunningham, J., vulcaniser, 68a High street
Cushnie, Alex., secty., Windsor Avenue
Cushnie, R.. draper. Union Street
Daly & Sons, ham and bacon curers, North st
Darling, Mrs., Hoop hill
Davidson, John, dentist. Market street
Davis, A., confectioner. High street
Davison, Mrs., schoolteacher. Gilford road
Deeny, Michael, F.R.C.S.I., J.P., Church place
Dewart, Miss., Windsor avenue
Dewart, Robert. Windsor Avenue
Dobbin, Jas. G., publican, Church place
Dobbin, Mrs. Owen, fishmonger, Edward st
Dobson, Mrs., publican, Market street
Dobson, John, publican, Market street
Donnelly George, poultry dealer, William st
Donnelly, Leo, J.P., The Mile House
Donnelly & O'Neill, publicans and groocers Church place
Doran, Daniel, hairdresser, Edward street
Dougherty, F., & Co., drapers, &c., Market stieet
Douglass, Miss, milliners, Queen street
Douglas, Mrs., Avenue road
Dowie, Chas. T.. flesher, Victoria street
Dowling, P., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., L.M. Church Walk
Dunbar, Henry, Wellington street
Electricity Board N.I. Area Office, Market street, Lurgan
Elliott. J., Gilford road
Elliott, Richard, The Gardens, Glenavon hse
England, Wm., bootmaker, Union street
English, James, grocer, Edward street
Ewart, Jas., Town Hall caretaker, Union st
Ewart, Samuel, auctioneer and house agent, Windsor avenue
Fairley, W. H., tobacconist. Windsor avenue
Ferguson, E. Lough road
Ferguson, F. A.. M.P.S I , High street
Ferris, R, contractor. Gilford rd
Filbin Bros , bakers. Lurgantarry
Fitzpatrick, Miss K., confectioner, Edward street
Fitzsimons Jas., clerk. Avenue road
Fleming Mrs. M. W., Monrne View House
Forbes C. W.. F.N.A.O.. optician. High st
Forsythe. James, manager. William Street
Foster Alex., picture house proprietor, Market street
Foye, Mary, jeweller. Market street
French, Thos., Edward street

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