
Lurgan Business Directory 1918
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Halfpenny, Wm., tinsmith, Castle lane
Hall, Alex., factory manager Avenue road
Hall, James L., grocer, Market street
Hall, John J., baker, Avenue road
Halliday, James, bootmaker, Church walk
Hamilton, A. K., bank cashier, Windsor ave.
Hamilton, James, clerk, Avenue road
Hamilton, J. H. W., manager, Belfast Bank
Hanna, Wm., confectioner, William street
Hare, W. H., grocer, Hill street
Harrison, Joseph, teacher, Model school
Harte, Daniel, clothier, Church place
Harvey,, John, grocer, Queen street
Hayes Hueh, solicitor, High street
Hazelton, Robert, Market street,
Henry, Thomas, Windsor avenue
Herbert, Abraham, draper, North street
Herbert, James, fruiterer, High street
Herbert, Joseph, draper and furnisher, North street
Herbert, Leo, draper, North street
Hewitt Bros., coal merchants and pawnbrokers, William street and Edward street
Hewitt, Samuel, picture house proprietor, Church place
Higgins, James, spirit grocer, Queen street
Higgins, John, spirit grocer, Queen street
Hill, Wm., & Co., manufacturers William street
Hobbs, James, cattle dealer, Queen street ,
Holmes, Jeremiah, mineral water mnfctr. William street
Holland, Jos., carpenter, Union street
Hopps, John, provision merchant, Hill st.
Houston, Robert, bootmaker, North street
Howard & Co., photographers, Windsor av.
Hughes, John, grocer, North street
Hull, Garfield, High street

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Irwin, Geo., baker and confectioner, High st
Irwin, James, boot merchant, Market street
lrwin, Wm., seed merchant, Union street
Irwin, Robert, pawnbroker, Edward street

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Jennings, Edward, reedmaker, William st
Johnston, Albert, clerk, Avenue road
Johnston, Allen, & Co., manufacturers, Woodville Factory, Victoria street
Johnston, C., solicitor, High street
Johnston David E, sub-sanitary officer, Wellington street
Johnston, John, manufacturer, Fallowfield
Johnston, Samuel, saddler, High street
Johnston, T. B., manufacturer, The Demesne
Johnston, Wm., ironmonger, &c., High st
Johnston, Wm., High street
Jones, Robert, rate collector, Church place and Hill street
Jordan, James, J.P., manufacturer, Edward street
Jordan, Jos., manufacturer, North street
Jordan, T., & Son, manufacturers, Edward st
Jordan, Wm. E., insurance superintendent, Queen Street
Jordan, Wm. J., manufacturer, Edward st.

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Kane, John, publican, Edward street
Kelly, Henry, grocer North street
Kelly, James, civil bill officer, Edward st
Kelly, John H., clerk, Union street
Kelly, P., fruit and fish store, William Street and Church place
Kennedy Bros., bakers and grocers, High st
Kennedy, Charles, Edward street
Kennedy, Richard, J.P., grocer. Edward st
Kerr, T. J., merchant tailor, High street
Keville, T. P., school teacher, Church place
Kincaid, Thomas, manufacturer, Florence villas
Knox, Andrew, grocer, Edward street
Kyle, D. J., teacher, Windsor avenue

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Lavery, David draper, Market street
Lavery Jos., victualler, Market street
Leathem, Joseph, factory manager, Garland avenue
Lennon, Rev. P C.C., Parochial house
Lightbody, A . S. P., teacher, Hill street
Lindsay, Mrs. ex-postmistress, William street
Lindsay, William, painter, Queen street
Lipton, Limited, Church place
Livingston, Hamilton, clerk, High street
Livingston, Richard, saddler, Hill street
Livingston, R. H., factory manager, Hill street
Livingston, Thomas, shoemaker, Union st.
Livingston W. linen manufacturer, High street
Livingston & Co, drapers, Market street
London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Agent, F. W. Pollock, Town Hall
Lowry, Rev. Andrew, C.C., Parochial house
Lunn, Edward shoemaker, Hill street
Lurgan Motor and Cycle Works, William. st.
Lurgan Weaving Co.. Ltd... manufacturers, Ulster street
Lyle, John, bootmerchant, High street
Lynn, R., architect, High street
Lynn, Samuel, plumber, High street

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Our thanks to Martin McGoldrick for providing this information. We make this information freely available to genealogists and Family Historians, but at no time may this information be used on a pay site or sold for profit.


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