Lurgan Business Directory 1918
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Belfast, High street - J.H.W. Hamilton, manager.
Northern, Market street - G. A. Allister, manager.
Ulster, Market street - J. Simpson, manager
Gas works William street - W. Tallentire. manager and
Fred. W. Pollock, secretary
Railway Station, William street - J. Rodgers, stationmaster
Mechanic’s Institute, Market street - President, Thomas Watson, Co. C.; chairman of Committee, Dr. S. Agnew, M.A.; hon. secretary
Herbert C. Malcolm; hon. treasurer, C. Johnston;
Librarian, John B. Anketeli
Free Library - Charles Mc Guigan, librarian
Shankill Buildings - Parochial hall and refreshment rooms, Church place
Lurgan Catholic Young Men’s Association - Chairman of committee, R. Kennedy; hon. secretary, John Kennedy
Lurgan Agricultural Association - Chairman of Committee, Nicholson Best; hon. secretary, C.W. Neill; secretary, H.B. Vint
There are three constbulary stations in Lurgan, the principal being
situated in Church place, and the others in Queen street and
Edward street. They are occupied by a force of about thirty men
commanded by District-Inspector Joseph Ryan
Courthouse, William street
Union Workhouse - Clerk, James Calvert; master, John H. O’Neile; matron, Mrs O’Neile;
rate- collectors, Robt. Jones, John Taylor, W.H. Stevenson; medical
officer, Dr. Darling.
Board of Guardians meet every Thursday at eleven o’clock;
W.G. Hewitt, chairman
Petty Sessions Office, Courthouse - Thomas Moffett, clerk
Rural District Councils - There are three Rural councils in this union, Lurgan, Moira and Aghalee
Urban District Councils - Chairman, Mr. H. G. MacGeagh, D.L.; clerk and registrar of stock, F.W. Pollock; assistant clerk, J.W. Pollock ; medical officer of health, Saml. Agnew, M.A., M.D.;
sub-sanitary officer, R. Elliot; rate collector, Robert Jones; weighmaster W. J. Gibson; water inspector, H. Dunbar
Pensions Commitee - All the members of the council
Y.M.C.A., Windsor Avenue - President, W. Ross; hon. secretary, James Menarys; hon. treasurer, J. Talbot
Y.W.C.A., High street - President, Mrs. Bell; hon treasurer, Mrs Alister; hon. secretary, Miss Ross; lady superintendant, Miss M. Hamilton
Brownlow Arms - Miss Lucy Eyre
Great Northern - Mr Edward Berwick
Commercial - Mr. John McGrath
Grand Central - Mr. P. Doyle
Star (Temperance) - Mr. R. H. Pentland
William Street Temperance - Miss Clendinning
Our thanks to Martin McGoldrick for providing this information. We make this information freely available to genealogists and Family Historians, but at no time may this information be used on a pay site or sold for profit.