
Lurgan Business Directory 1910
From the Directory of Belfast and Ulster
Page 3


MacGeagh, H. G., J.P., managing director of Lurgan Weaving Co., High street
Magahan, Frederick W., clerk of petty sessions, Church place
Magee, Jack, postman, Frederick place
Magee, Patrick, publican, Union street
Magee, Robert, poulterer, William street
Magowan, Samuel, clothier, Union street
Maguire, Wm., painter, decorator, and paperhanger, glazing, and glass-cutting establishment, High street
Magurran, James, hardware store, Market street
Mahaffy, John, income tax collector, Church place
Mahony, Owen, D.I., R.I.C., Church place
Malcolm, James, J.P., D.L., Bengali place
Malcolm, S., grocer, Victoria street
Malcolmson, Albert, merchant, Market st.
Malcolmson, D., & Sons, family grocers, ironmongers, seed merchants, and auctioneers, 22 Market street
Malcolmson, John, & Co., undertakers, Market street
Mann, Alfred W., chemist and druggist, Market street
Marron, P., boot warehouse, Church place
Martin, Thomas, carpenter, North street
Martin, W. J., carpenter,. Union street
Mathers, Robert, laundryman, James street
Mathers & Bunting, manufacturers, Mary street
Matier, Henry, & Co., linen manufacturers, High street
Matthews & Co., drapers, William street
Mawhirt, R. T., coal merchant, James st.
Megarry, Henry, insurance agent, High st.
Megarry, Henry, jun., insurance agent, Hill street
Menary Bros., drapers, Market street
Menary, Thomas, Hill street
Menary, T. G., solicitor, Church place
Mercer, James, Circular road
Mercer & Brown, sewing factory, Union st.
Mercer, Mrs., coal merchant, Garland av.
Metcalfe, Samuel, 81 North street
Miller, William, poulterer
Moffett, Brown, grocer, William street
Moffett, Thomas, shoemaker, Market street
Moffat & Co., grocers, Queen street
Moffett & Co., photographers, Windsor av.
Molloy, Thomas, laundryman, Queen street
Molloy, Elizabeth, cafe, North street
Moore, Dr. J. M., High street
Morrow, Andrew, insurance agent, Victoria street
Morrow, Charles, postman, Frederick place
Moore & Johnston, solicitors, High street
Mullan, Edward, postman, Brown street
Murphy, Lawrence J., grocer, Church place
Murphy & Stevenson, manufacturers, High street
Murray, A., painter and glazier, William street
M'Collum, James, caretaker Orange hall
M'Cabe, Stephen, tailor, William street
M'Cann, John H., clerk, William street
M'Cann, M., builder and contractor, William street
M'Caughey, James, Church place
M'Cauley, Wm. R., bicycle and newsagent, High street
M'Clatchie, J. W., manager Northern Bank
M'Clatchie, Samuel, Albert street
M'Climmond, James, J.P., grocer, High st.
M'Connell, David, grocer, William street
M'Conville, Daniel, clothes dealer, North street
M'Conville. J., auctioneer, Edward street
M'Crory, J., watchmaker, Windsor avenue
M'Crory, Miss, confectioner, High street
M'Cusker, P., butcher, Church place
M'Entee, Michael, publican, Church place
M'Geown, Mrs., publican, Church place
M'Geown, Robert, school attendance officer, Union street
M'Guigan, Charles, librarian, Union street
M'Guigan, Hugh, butcher, Edward street
M'Greevy, Hugh, tinsmith, Castle lane
M'Ilwaine, J., hairdresser, Windsor avenue
M'Ilwaine, Solomon, contractor, Aughnacloy
M'Kee & Son, boot warehouse, Market st.
M'Keown, Mrs., newsagent, Castle lane
M'Neice, Joshua, George's street
M'Veigh, James, publican, Edward street
Pinkerton, Mr., Inland Revenue officer, High street
Neill, Charles, bootmaker, Edward street
Neill, C. W., solicitor, Haddington house
Neil, Robert, school teacher
Nelson, William R., manufacturer, William street
Newell Bros., drapers, &c, Market street
Orr, James, bootmaker, Charles street
Owens, Mrs., manageress of Shankill Buildings Cafe
O'Hanlon, Hugh, rent agent, Union street
O'Hara, Jas., agent and publican, Edward street
O'Hara, Henry, publican, Edward street
O'Loughlin, Rev. R. S., D.D., The Rectory
O'Neill, Mary, publican, Church place
O'Reilly, John C., solicitor, North street
Patton, George, contractor, Windsor avenue
Patton, Miss, boot warehouse, Market st.
Pedlow, David, publican, Church place
Pedlow, Dr., Market street
Pedlow, Robert, William street
Pedlow, W., company manager, Alexander terrace
Pentland, Robert H., tailor, William street
Phillips & Ayre, The Misses, Brownlow Arms Hotel, Market street
Plenderleith, Peter, clothier, Market street
Pollock, F. W., town clerk, Florence villa
Ramsay, Thomas, draper, Market street
Reid, Miss, babylinens, Market street
Richardson, Louis, printer, stationer, and proprietor "Lurgan Mail," High street
Richardson, Sons, & Owden, Ltd., manufacturers, William street
Rippon, Arthur, Shankill cottage
Robinson, Samuel, clerk, Hill street
Rocks, Bernard, tailor, Edward street
Ross, John, & Co., hemstitching factory, High street
Ross, Thomas, manufacturer, High street
Ruddell, George, butcher, Church place
Scott, Thomas J., grocer, Queen street
Seawright, Douglas, & Co., finishers, Avenue road
Shields, William, teacher, James street
Sloan, Francis, B.A., teacher, Windsor av.
Sloan, Samuel, publican, Church place
Soye, J., property owner, Victoria street
Soye, Richard, The Farmyard
Strothers, Jackson, High street
Sturgeon, John, civil bill officer, George's street
Sullivan, Mrs., grocer, Queen street
Sun Fire and Life Offices—Agents, Lyness & Hayes, solicitors
Symington, Robert, hairdresser, William st.
Tallentire, W., manager gas works, William street
Taylor, John, Union street
Thompson, J. A., V.S., Church place
Thompson, Maxwell, clothier, William st.
Thompson, Robert, confectioner, High st.
Thompson, Thos., auctioneer, etc., William street
Thompson, W. J., reedmaker, Church place
Thornton, Mrs., refreshment rooms, Church place
Thornton, James, pork store, Church place
Turkington, George, baker, Church place
Uprichard, Robert, manufacturer, Union street
Ward, George, publican, Castle lane
Warren, Miss, music teacher, Hill street
Watson, Adam, station constable
Watson, James, merchant, High street
Watson, Joseph S., Lakeview
Watson, Robert, & Sons, manufacturers, Flush Works
Watson & Neill, solicitors, William street
Wetherall, Richard, George's street
White, William, printer, stationer, and proprietor "Lurgan Times," William street
White, William, cabinetmaker, Queen st.
Wilson, Mrs., Derry lodge
Woods, Arthur, plasterer, Charles street

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