Lurgan Business Directory 1910
From the Directory of Belfast and Ulster Page 1
Twenty miles from Belfast.
The chief industries are Damask and Linen Weaving.
Market day, Thursday.
Fair day, second Thursday of each month.
Population, 11,782
J. H. Baird, postmaster, Hill street
Church of Ireland Parish Church, Church place. Rev. R. S. O'Loughlin, D.D., rector; 11-30 a.m., 7 p.m.; A. J. J. Beatty, organist; Rev. D. Patterson, Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, and Rev. Ingham, curates
Presbyterian Church First, High street Rev. W. B. Sproule, B.A.
Second Hill street Rev. James Haire, M.A.; 11-30 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Methodist Church, High street Rev. Henry Ball and Rev. Massey. Queen street Rev. Elliott
Baptist Church, Windsor avenue
Friends' Meeting-house, Queen street
Salvation Army Hall, Union street 11 a.m., 3 and 7 p.m. Captain Walsh
Roman Catholic Church, North street Revs. M. B. M'Conville, P.P.; H. J. M'Evoy, C.C.; P. J. M'Evoy, C.C.; A. Lowry, C.C.
Registrar of Marriages Mr. Jas. Calvert, Clerk of Union
Registrar of Births and Deaths Dr. S. Agnew, Dispensary, Union street
Lurgan College This splendid school (under Watts endowment) stands off Lough Neagh road Headmaster, Mr. James Cowan, M.A.
Model School Headmaster, Jos. Harrison; first assistant, W. J. Keatley; head mistress (girls' school), Miss Mary Cairns; first assistant, Miss E. Mullen; head mistress (infants' school), Miss Greer; first assistant, Miss Smith
Municipal Fire Brigade Station Union st. Superintendent, W. J. Long; resident deputy superintendent, David Douglas
National Schools Windsor avenue. Patron, Rev. W. Sproule, B.A.; Mr. J. Kyle
National School North street. Patron, Rev. Dr. R. S. O'Loughlin; teachers, Mr. Smith and Miss Evans
George's Street National School Patron, Rev. Jas. Haire; teacher, W. Shields; assistant, Samuel M'Callum
National School John street. Patron, Rev. Dr. O'Loughlin; teachers, Mr. Francis Sloan, B.A.; Mr. W. M'Conkey, Miss S. Bunting, Miss S. Walker, and Miss M. Livingston
School Attendance Committee Rev. Dr. O'Loughlin, chairman; officer, Robert M'Geown; secretary, John W. Pollock. Meets in the council chamber, Town Hall, third Wednesday every month at 4 p.m.
St. Peter's National School North street. Patron, Rev. M. B. M'Conville, P. P.; teacher, John M'Conville
National School Victoria street. Patron, Mr. James Johnston, J.P.; teachers, Mr. Kyle,
Miss Mercer, and Mrs. Kyle
National School Queen street. Mrs. Herbert
National (Methodist) School Queen street. Teachers, Mr. M'Cann and Miss Mullen
Lurgan Technical School Union street. W. J. Lark, Whit. Exhr., principal; J. W. Pollock, assistant surveyor
Convent National School Edward street.
Industrial School (Boys)
Convent Technical School
Belfast, High street. J. H. W. Hamilton, manager.
Northern, Market street. J. W. M'Clatchie, manager.
Ulster, Market street. N. G. Leeper, manager
Gas Works William street. W. Tallentire, manager; Fred W. Meagahan, secretary. Board of directors meet on the first Monday of each month
Railway Station William street. J. M'Alister, stationmaster
Mechanics' Institute Market street. President, James Malcolm, D.L.; secretary, C. Johnston; librarian, Wm. Carson. Reading-room open from 7 a.m. till 10 p.m. daily, Sunday excepted
Free Library Charles M'Guigan, librarian; Francis Sloan, B.A., secretary
I.O.G.T.Britain's Hope (No. 8) meets every Friday at 8 p.m., Shankill Buildings Charles Morrow, chief templar
Shankill Buildings Parochial hall and refreshment rooms, Church place; Church of Ireland Young Men's Society meets every Monday night during the session
Lurgan Catholic Young Men's Association Church place
Constabulary Stations There are three constabulary stations in Lurgan, the principal being situated in Church place and the others in Queen street and Edward street. They are occupied by a force of about thirty men, commanded by District Inspector Owen Mahony
Union Workhouse Clerk, James Calvert; master, John H. O'Neile; matron, Mrs. O'Neile; rate collectors, Robert Jones, John Taylor, and C. Stevenson; medical officers, Dr. Darling and Dr. Mitchell. Board of Guardians meets every Thursday at 11 o'clock; William J. Fleming, J.P., chairman
Courthouse William street.
Petty Sessions Office Courthouse F. W. Magahan, clerk
Rural District Councils
There are three Rural District Councils in this Union, viz.:Lurgan, Moira, and Aghalee. Lurgan and Moira Councils hold their monthly meetings in Lurgan, and Aghalee Council meet at Aghalee. Their respective chairmen are: Thos. Faloon, J.P., Lurgan; James L. Douie, J.P., Moira; and F. L. Turtle, J.P., Aghalee
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