Lurgan Trade Directory 1863
From the Directory of Belfast and Ulster Page 1
Lurgan is a thriving market town, in County Armagh, 20 miles S.W. from Belfast, and on the line of the Ulster railway, for which the town is a station. The principal part of the town extends for upwards of a mile along the Belfast and Armagh road, and is spacious, airy, well built, and remarkably clean. That which may be considered the suburban part of Lurgan is extensive, and has extended very much since 1851, principally on account of the increase and extension of the linen and cambric manufacturing, and also the granting of leases in perpetuity by Lord Lurgan. Several new streets are laid off, and are rapidly filling up with buildings, particularly since the introduction of the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act 1854. Brownlow House, the seat of Lord Lurgan, proprietor of the town, extends along the North East of it, and the entrance is by an elegant lodge from near the centre of the street. The mansion was some years ago rebuilt in the Elizabethan style, with beautiful freestone brought from Scotland. The grounds, which are generally thrown open to the public, are richly embellished with thriving plantations, reflected in a fine sheet of water, and encompassed by a well kept gravel walk. The Court-House is a stone building, and the Diaper Hall is a spacious building, erected in 1825.
The linen and cambric manufactur is the staple trade of Lurgan, and in producing the variety of fabrics, as lawns, diapers, damasks, (and of late years a large number of persons are employed in the manufacture of cambric handkerchiefs), &c., a large proportion of the population of the town and its vicinity are employed; while some of the establishments of the yarn and linen merchants are extensive. Two breweries and the hotels are the other principal establishments. The Belfast Banking Company, the Northern Banking Company, and the Ulster Bank have each a branch in operation here. A facility of intercourse with Belfast is afforded by Lough Neagh and the Lagan Navigation.
The General Quarter Sessions of the county are held in Lurgan, and Petty Sessions every alternate Tuesday. A section of the constabulary police is stationed in the town, which has lately been made a first class station. The parish church of Shankhill is a handsome structure. There are places of worship for Presbyterians, the Society of Friends, and Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists. The Roman Catholic parochial chapel is a Gothic building. The free educational establishments are, a school supported by Erasmus Smith's charity, and an infant school solely supported by Lady Lurgan. The Model school cost £8,000; opened March, 1863; built to accommodate 600 children. A Mechanic's Institute is established in the town. It was originated by William Watson, Esq., of New York, who, while on a visit to his native town, generously offered the princely sum of 1,000 guineas as a commencement. His brothers, Francis and Hugh Watson, Esq., most liberally seconded his views, and subscribed £500. The whole £1,500 was to be paid on a similar sum being raised by the inhabitants. Lord Lurgan met this generous offer in a kindred spirit, and the sum of £1,500 has also been subscribed by his lordship and the other inhabitants. The other charities are a dispensary and a Union Workhouse. The market, which is held on Thursday, is abundantly supplied with provisions, and is, besides, a considerable one for the manufacturers of the town and district. Fairs, 5th August and 22nd November. Population in 1861, 7,766.
Town Commissioners for 1863
Lurgan | Lord | Chairman - Town Commission |
Donnelly | Arthur | Town Commissioner |
Ross | John | Town Commissioner |
Hancock | John | Town Commissioner |
Carrick | George | Town Commissioner |
Moore | D. | Town Commissioner |
Shaw | William | Town Commissioner |
Harper | James | Town Commissioner |
Glass | James | Town Commissioner |
Heron | William | Town Commissioner |
Macoun | William | Town Commissioner |
Henderson | James | Town Commissioner |
Wells | Matthew | Town Commissioner |
May | George | Town Commissioner |
Conn | Joseph | Town Commissioner |
Town Officers:
(Treasurer - Northern Banking Company)
Pentland | William | Auditor |
Anderson | James | Auditor |
Rankin | H. (C.E.) | Surveyor and Town Clerk |
McShane | Henry | Collector of Town Rates |
Malone | Bryan | Inspector of Nuisances, Town Sergeant, &c. |
McCorry | William | Scavenger |
Post Office, Main Street – Mails are made up as follows :- For Lisburn and Belfast, 7.10 a.m. ; England, Dublin, South and West of Ireland, Belfast and Scotland, 12.15 p.m. ; Portadown, Armagh, Enniskillen, &c., 9.30p.m.; Dublin, Belfast, and England, 8.45 p.m.; letters can be posted ten minutes later than the times here named by affixing the additional postage stamp, such letters to be given in at the window; deliveries commence at 7.15 a.m., 9.15 a.m., and 1.15 p.m.; on Sunday there is but one delivery, commencing at 8 a.m. – delivery at the window till 10 a.m.; money orders are granted from 7 a.m. till 6 p.m.
Convayences Trains leave Lurgan daily for Belfast at 8.5, 10.15, 12.27, 5.30, 8.20 ; and Belfast for Armagh, via Lurgan, 7, 8, 11, 1, 4.30, 9.30; the 7, 1, and 4.30 trains take passengers to Dublin. On Sundays trains leave Lurgan for Belfast at 9.15, 5, and 7.50; and trains leave Belfast for Armagh, via Lurgan, 9, 3.30, and 7.15.
Despard | Edward | Master - Union Workhouse |
Anderson | Miss | Matron - Union Workhouse |
Ruddell | George | Relieving Officer - Union Workhouse |
Ruddell | James | Clerk - Union Workhouse |
Malone | Brian | Keeper, Courthouse - Market Street |
Neill | William | Keeper, Bridewell - William Street |
McCarron | Neal | Head Constable - Constabulary Station |
Hannay | Robert S. | Surgeon, Dispensary - Market Street |
Murphy | James | Sub-distributor, Stamp Office - William Street |
Fairs | William | Manager, Belfast Bank - High Street |
Patterson | Thomas R. | Accountant and Cashier, Belfast Bank - High Street |
Wynne | M. S. | Assistant, Belfast Bank - High Street |
Megary | H. | Manager, Northern Bank - Market Street |
Brown | William | Manager, Ulster Bank - Market Street |
Cardwell | J. A. Roebuck | Cashier and Accountant, Ulster Bank - Market Street |
PENNY SAVINGS BANK (Bankers - Belfast Banking Company) |
Lurgan | Lord | President - Penny Savings Bank |
Greer | John W. (J.P.) | Vice President - Penny Savings Bank |
Malcolm | James | Vice President - Penny Savings Bank |
Watson | Francis | Vice President - Penny Savings Bank |
Hancock | John (J.P.) | Vice President - Penny Savings Bank |
Patterson | Thomas R. | Vice President - Penny Savings Bank |
Wilkinson | James | Manager, Railway Station - William Street |
GAS WORKS (Treasurer - Ulster Bank) |
Thompson | J. | Manager, Gas Works |
Baird | William | Secretary, Gas Works |
Knox | Rev. Thomas | Rector, Parish Church - Church Place |
Kirk | Rev. W. B. | Curate, Parish Church - Church Place |
Berkeley | Rev. Lowry E. | Minister, Presbyterian Church - High Street |
Clarke | Rev. J. G. | Minister, Second Presbyterian Church - Hill Street |
Bayley | Rev. Benjamin | Minister, Wesleyan Chapel - High Street |
Elliot | Rev. Fred | Minister, Wesleyan Chapel - High Street |
Craig | Rev. William | Minister, Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Chapel - Queen Street |
Aaron | Rev. James | Minister, Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Chapel - Queen Street |
- | - | 'Vacant' - Queen Street |
O'Brien | Very Rev. William (V.G., P.P.) | Parish Priest, Roman Catholic Chapel - North Street |
McKenna | Rev. James | Curate, Roman Catholic Chapel - North Street |
Murphy | Rev. M. H. | President - Young Mens Christian Association |
Mahaffy | William | Vice President - Young Mens Christian Association |
Fairly | William | Vice President - Young Mens Christian Association |
Mathers | Henry | Treasurer - Young Mens Christian Association |
Hanna | Thomas | Secretary - Young Mens Christian Association |
Murphy | Mr | Committee - Young Mens Christian Association |
Mahaffy | Mr | Committee - Young Mens Christian Association |
Fairly | Mr | Committee - Young Mens Christian Association |
Mathers | H. | Committee - Young Mens Christian Association |
Douglas | William | Committee - Young Mens Christian Association |
McCabe | Mr | Committee - Young Mens Christian Association |
Harper | Mr | Committee - Young Mens Christian Association |
Courtney | Mr | Committee - Young Mens Christian Association |
Douglas | W. | Librarian - Young Mens Christian Association |
Collins | James | Librarian - United Church Young Men's Society |
Lurgan | Lady | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Brown | Mrs. | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Conn | Mrs. | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Girdwood | Miss | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Greer | Mrs. | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Greer | Miss C. | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Hancock | Mrs. | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Lockhart | Miss E. | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
May | Miss | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Shaw | Mrs. | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Watson | Mrs. H. | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Watson | Miss | Ladies' Clothing Committee |
Crossley | Mrs. | Treasurer - Ladies' Clothing Committee |
LURGAN DEMESNE CRICKET CLUB (Contains upwards of 30 members and meets for play three times weekly) |
Lurgan | Lord | President - Lurgan Demesne Cricket Club |
Cardwell | John Arthur Roebuck | Treasurer - Lurgan Demesne Cricket Club |
Baird | William | Secretary - Lurgan Demesne Cricket Club |
THE LURGAN FRIENDLY SOCIETY (Established in 1845) |
Oulton | Rev. P. | Established the Lurgan Friendly Society |
Malcolm | J. | Patron of the Lurgan Power Loom Factory Friendly Society |
Lurgan | Lord | President - Mechanic's Institute |
Watson | F. | Vice President - Mechanic's Institute |
Lurgan | Lord | Trustee - Mechanic's Institute |
Greer | J. W. (J.P.) | Trustee - Mechanic's Institute |
Hancock | John (J.P.) | Trustee - Mechanic's Institute |
Watson | Francis | Trustee - Mechanic's Institute |
Malcolm | James | Trustee - Mechanic's Institute |
Shaw | Dr. | Treasurer - Mechanic's Institute |
Lurgan | Lord | Committee of Management (Chairman) - Mechanic's Institute |
Greer | John W. (J.P.) | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Watson | Francis | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Watson | Hugh | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Hancock | John (J.P.) | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Armstrong | Robert | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Murphy | Joseph | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Bell | S. A. | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Malcolm | James | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Paul | W. W. | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Shaw | Dr. | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Crossley | William | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Wells | Matthew | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Macoun | William | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Turkington | William | Committee of Management - Mechanic's Institute |
Hancock | John (J.P.) | Hon. Secretary - Mechanic's institute |
Clarke | Henry | Master, Free School - North Street |
Anderson | Mrs. | Mistress, Free School - North Street |
INFANT SCHOOL (Patronised by Lady Lurgan) |
Bullick | Mrs. | Mistress, Infant School - Lurgan Demesne |
Logan | Miss | Mistress, The Ragged School - Queen Street |
Greer | Alex | Head Master - Model School |
Leonard | Francis | First Assistant - Model School |
Porter | George | Second Assistant - Model School |
Campbell | Eliza | Head Teacher of Girls School - Model School |
Small | Sophia | First Assistant - Model School |
Coyle | Anna | Second Assistant - Model School |
Kennedy | Martha C. | Head Teacher of Infants School - Model School |
Rogan | Alice | First Assistant - Model School |
Brown | Martha Jane | Second Assistant - Model School |
Washington | George | Music Master - Model School |
Smeethe | Roland | Drawing Master - Model School |
Clarke | Dr. | Physical Science Class - Model School |
Marrison | Andrew | Teacher, National School - Hill Street |
Green | Margaret | Female Teacher, National School - Hill Street |
TULLYGALLY SCHOOL (Under the Church Education Society) |
Verner | William | Master - Tullygally School |
Berkeley | Rev. L. E. | Patron - Lurgan National School |
Donaldson | Thomas | Male Teacher - Lurgan National School |
Dalton | William | Assistant - Lurgan National School |
Morison | William | Assistant - Lurgan National School |
Lowry | Miss | Female Teacher - Lurgan National School |
Stewart | Miss | Assistant - Lurgan National School |
Ginn | Miss | Assistant - Lurgan National School |
McGowan | Samuel | Music Class Teacher - Lurgan National School |
O'Brien | Very Rev. William | Patron - Dougher National School |
Cullen | William | Master - Dougher National School |
McKeown | Mrs. | Mistress - Dougher National School |
Ward | Miss | Assistant - Dougher National School |
Armstrong | William | High Street |
Boyd | Mrs. M. | High Street |
Cuppage | Thomas | Silverwood |
Douglas | Charles (D.L., J.P.) | Grace Hall |
Douglas | Miss | Grace Hall |
Douglas | Miss Ann | - |
Fforde | Francis | Raughlin |
Greer | John Waite (J.P.) | Woodvale |
Greer | William | Wilderness |
Greer | Miss | Wilderness |
Greer | Miss Catherine | Wilderness |
Greer | Henry | North Street |
Hall | Miss | High Street |
Hancock | John (J.P.) | Manor House |
Hazlett | Miss D. | Market Street |
Lurgan | Lord (Right Hon.) | Brownlow House |
Mercer | Henry | Laurel Vale |
Morriss | William B. | Market Street |
Morrow | H. L. | Dahlia Vale (Organist of Lurgan Church) |
Overend | Miss | Church Square |
Richardson | Thomas | Warringstown |
Richardson | Charles | Springfield |
Ross | John (jun.) | California House, Knocknashane |
Watson | Francis | Lakeview |
Watson | Hugh | Beechpark |
Gilbert | Jonathan | Surgeon and Apothecary - Church Square |
Gribben | Hugh | M.D. - Edward Street |
Hanny | R. S. | Surgeon and Apothecary - Market Street |
Hazlett | John | Solicitor - Church Square |
Knox | Rev. Thomas (A.M.) | Rural Dean - Glebe House |
Little | Dr. | High Street |
Morris | Robert | Solicitor - High Street |
O'Brien | Rev. Dr. (P.P.) | Vicar General - Chapel House, North Stret |
Rankin | Hamilton | Civil Engineer, Town Clerk and Town Surveyor - North Street |
Rodgers | Samuel | Surgeon &c. - Hill Street |
Shaw | William | Surgeon &c. - Market Street |

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