
Directory of Merchants and Traders
in Lurgan 1819 Page 2

L - Y

Langtry, William, farmer, Cherrymount.
Langtry, Samuel, shoemaker.
Lappan, Henry, butcher.
Lawson, Alexander, hatter.
Lengahan, Daniel, blacksmith.
Leonard, James, sergeant.
Lewis, James, shoemaker.
Lynas, William, shoemaker.



Magee, M.M. gent.
Magee, John, weaver.
Magee, Thomas, saddler, Middle Row.
Mahaffy, John, shoemaker.
Mahaffy, Mary, mantua-maker.
Maliom, Thomas, woollendraper.
Malcomson, Joseph, Esq. banker.
Martin, Patrick, gardener.
Maxwell, Arrabella, woollendraper.
Melvin, Henry, huxster.
Mercer, Duke, butcher.
Mills, James, publican.
Millhouse, Thomas.
Moffet, Robert, shoemaker.
Monroe, William, saddler and harness-maker.
Montgomery, Hugh, lodging-house.
Moore James, huxter.
Morris, Ann, postmistress and woollendraper.
Morrow, William, shoemaker.
Murphy, James, publican.
Murtagh, James, publican.



McAlister, Luke
McCabe, Edward, painter and glazier.
McClean, Edward, weaver.
McColm, Alexander, nailer.
McCombs, John, publican.
McCombs, John, carpenter.
McCullough, William, grocer and tallown chandler.
McGowan, James.
McGowan, George, weaver.
McGowan, Andrew, carpenter.
McGrady, Bernard, barrack-master.
McKelvy, Robert, shoemaker.
McKenna, Richardson, tailor.
McKenna, Sarah, huxter.
McKeown, William, grocer and timber merchant.
McMullen, John, nailer.
McMurray, Robert, publican.
McNeill, Richard, weaver.
McVeigh, Henry, Esq. banker.



Nettleton, George.
Nettleton, Ellen, grocer and spirit dealer.
Newbury, Dawson, publican.



Oldfield, Rev. John, curate of Lurgan.
O’Neill, Henry, weaver.
Orr, Thomas, guager.
Orr, John, shoemaker.
Overend, Misses.
Owens, Francis, butcher.

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Pentland, John, tanner.
Pinchon, Jane, grocer.
Pollock, Alexander, barber.
Porter, Henry, clothes-dealer.



Randles, Michael, tailor.
Reilly, Robert, shoemaker.
Richardson, Mrs. Lucy.
Ridgeway, Thomas, shoemaker.
Ridgeway, Richard, shoemaker.
Ridgeway, Henry, shoemaker.
Roberts, Alexander, ladies’ shoemaker
Roberts, Robert. shoemaker.
Robson, Thomas, grocer.
Robson, Elizabeth, grocer.
Rodgers, Samuel, shoemaker.
Ross, William, publican.
Ruddle, James, publican.
Russell, Valentine, publican.



Savage, Robert, grocer and tallow chandler.
Savage, Henry, hatter.
Shannon, Peter, publican.
Shaw, Robert, grocer and spirit-dealer.
Sheppard, James, weaver.
Smart, David, innkeeper.
Smith, William, baker.
Stanhope, Hamilton, tailor.
Stuart, Colonel.
Swain, Joseph, gardener.


Taafe, John, carpenter.
Taylor, Samuel, schoolmaster.
Thompson, David, publican and carman’s inn.
Thompson, John, reedmaker.
Thompson, John, carpenter and shuttle-maker.
Thornberry, William, shoemaker.
Todd, Richard J. general auctioneer.
Torrington, Andrew, house and coach painter.
Trail, Robert, woollendraper.
Turkington, David, farmer.
Turkington, James, publican, Duke of York.
Twineham, James, weaver.



Waren, Thomas, teacher.
Watson, Francis, linen merchant.
Watson, Robert, diaper manufacturer.
Watt, William, publican.
Weatherall, William, shoemaker.
Wells, Matther, clock and watchmaker.
White, John, gardener.
Whittle, Elizabeth, spirit-dealer.
Wilson, Mary, woollendraper.
Wilson, Jane.



Young, James, painter and glazier.

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