Directory of Merchants and Traders in Lurgan 1819 Page 1
A - K
Adams, William, tin-plate worker.
Allen, Thomas, teacher.
Armstrong, William, grocer and hardwareman.
Atkinson, William, spirit-dealer.
Barrett, William, carrier, Pound River.
Beatty, Richard, grocer.
Bell, Robert, surgeon.
Bell, William, carpenter, Castle Lane.
Bell, Elinor, grocer, Ballyblough.
Bell, Thomas, Muslin manufacturer, Ballyblough.
Bell, John, clock and watchmaker.
Belshaw, Margaret, publican.
Becket, Leonard, carrier, Pound River.
Bingham, John, boot and shoemaker.
Bingham, Clements, boot and shoemaker.
Black, Jonathan, publican.
Black, Thomas, glass and earthenware dealer.
Black, Seywell, shoemaker.
Black, John, boot and shoemaker.
Black, Hugh, mason.
Boyd, James, brewer and tobacco manufacturer.
Boyland, Charles, Hairdresser
Boyle, John, farmer, Knocknashane.
Brown, William, grocer and baker.
Brown, Youngston, publican, Cross Keys.
Brown, Sarah, dressmaker.
Brownlow, Charles, Esq. Lurgan House
Brownlow, Charles, jun. Esq. M.P. Lurgan House
Bullock, Moses, wheelwright and turner.
Bullock, Issac, wheelwright and turner.
Bullock, Robert, grocer.
Bullock, Henry, huxter, Thomas Street.
Bullock, Thomas, wheelwright.
Bullock, Thomas, shuttle and temple manufacturer.
Bullock, Nelson, farmer, Aughagallen Road.
Bunteny, Thomas, weaver, Pound River.
Burke, William, solicitor.
Burns, Benjamin, weaver, Ballyblough.
Byrne, Thomas, gent. Castle lane.
Byrne, Ephraim, publican
Byrne, Michael, hostler, Pound River.
Call, John, courier and leather-seller.
Campbell, Hugh, Hoosier.
Campbell, Catherine, haberdasher.
Carmichael, Henry, reedmaker, Pound River.
Carmichael, Ester, eating-house. Middle Row.
Carnaghan, William, flaxdresser, Pound River.
Carroll, Philip, shoemaker.
Chapman, Richard, blacksmith.
Cherry, Samuel, carrier, Back Lane.
Christy, Abel.
Christy, Robert, butcher.
Clendinning, John, coach wheel and farming utensil manufacturer.
Colven, Thomas, carpenter.
Colven, John, carpenter.
Colven, Henry, carpenter.
Cooper, John, spruce beer manufacturer.
Corr, Rosanna, grocer and spirit-dealer.
Corry, Peter, cooper.
Cubbage, Alexander, Esq. banker.
Cubbage, Mrs. Elizabeth.
Cunningham, Lucinda, innkeeper.
Darragh, William, grocer.
Dobbin, Mrs. Mary.
Donaldson, Francis, baker.
Donnelly, John, hawker.
Dougan, Bernard, grocer.
Dougan, Charles, huxter and lodging-house, Ballyblough.
Douglass, William, surgeon, and apothecary.
Douglass, Henry, grocer, Thomas Street.
Dowey, James, publican, Thomas Street.
Druit, Joseph, linen merchant.
Druit, Thomas, linen merchant.
Eccles, Nathaniel, Hoosier.
Emerson, George, tobacconist.
Emerson, William, pedlar.
Emerson, Thomas, pedlar.
Fitzsimmons, James, spirit-dealer.
Fleming, Elizabeth, haberdasher.
Ford, Mrs. Ann
Feil, Patrick, tobacco-spinner.
Fullon, Mary, publican, Castle Lane.
Fullerton, William, nailer.
Gibson, Thomas, shoemaker.
Gilbert, Anthony, farmer.
Gilbert, Henry, glass, china and earthenware-dealer.
Ginniff, Hugh, weaver.
Grainger, John, reedmaker, Thomas Street.
Grant, Daniel, publican.
Greer, Samuel, Esq.
Greer, George, Esq.
Greer, Miss Jane
Halfpenny, Catherine, huxter
Hall, Thomas, notary public and commisioner for taking affidavits.
Hall, Joseph, grocer.
Hamilton, Arthur, butcher.
Hamilton, James, butcher.
Hamilton, John, weaver, Castle Lane.
Haslett, Mrs. Dorothy.
Hasleton, Robert, weaver.
Haughey, John, slater.
Hauton, Mrs. Dorothy.
Heaney, John, slater, Back Lane.
Henning, John, surgeon.
Henry, James, publican.
Henry, James, saddler, Middle Row.
Hinds, Samuel, shoemaker.
Holywood, Job, shoemaker, Ballyblough
Hughes, Thomas, linendraper, publican and grocer.
Hughes, Edward, baker.
Hurst, Thomas, taylor.
Irwin, Martha, haberdasher.
Jenkinson, Thomas, wheelwright.
Johnston, Thomas, gent.
Johnston, John, gent.
Johnston, James, proprietor of the Armagh coach.
Johnston, Edward, publican.
Johnston, William, spirit merchant.
Johnston, William, grocer.
Johnston, Samuel, warehouseman, Castle Lane.
Johnston, William, shoemaker, Thomas Street.
Jordan, Samuel, malt-maker.
Kelly, Rev. John, P.P.
Kelly, Arthur, shuttle-maker.
Kennedy, Edward, linen merchant.
Kennedy, Richard, weaver.
Kennedy, John, blacksmith.
Kennedy, James, copper and tin-plate worker.
Kerr, William, soap-boiler and tallow chandler.
Kerr, Mary, haberdasher and straw bonnet-maker.
Kirk, Samuel, soap-boiler and tallow chandler.
Kinny, Alexander, carpenter.
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