
Lurgan Town Rental List 1763-1766 Page 1

1. Joseph Shepard for Martin's tenement. Renewable for £6 in 6 months. For 3 acres. 1731 for the life of said Joseph and his wife Ruth.

2.Thomas Turner for Thorntree House. Renewable for £1:3:0 in 6 months. 1754 for the lives of Thomas, his son aged 18 & Elizabeth aged 15 , his daughter.

3. Thomas Curry for part of Thorntree House. Renewable for £5 in 12 months. 1749 for the lives of Thomas Francis Forde and James son of William Marshal of Clounagh aged 3 years.

4. John Gaddes for William Costelahs tenement. Renewable for £5 in 6 months.1756 for the lives of said John, Elizabeth his wife and Ann their daughter aged 6 years.

5. Richard Magenis Esq. for Bell's Tenement. Renewable for £1:16:0 in 12 months. Length 104ft. 1751 for the lives of Anth. Lennon, Richard and Henry, sons of Richard Magenis. Henry died in 1759.

6. Richeson McVeagh for Porter's tenement. Renewable for £1:16:0 in 12 months. Length 64ft. For the lives of Ann Loughead in 1724, John Porter in 1725 and Richard McVeagh in 1740.

7. William Hardin for Thompson's tenement. Renewable for £3 in 6 months. For the lives of Ann Ellis, widow of William and their son Issac Ellis in 1725.

8. William Burke for Crosby's tenement. renewable for £2 in 6 months. Length 41 ft. In 1731 for the lives of John Crosby who died in 1751. William, son of William Robson.

9. Francis Caroll for John Turks tenement in Middle Row. Renewable for £1:2:6 in 6 months. Lenght 30ft. 1719 for the lives of John and Richard Turkington sons of Oliver. John died in 1726. 1753 Francis instead of Oliver Turkington.

10. James McCormick for Hodgsons tenement in Middle Row. Renewable for £2:2:0 in 6 months. Length 54ft. 1716 for the lives of Richard, son of Oliver Turkington. 1748, John and Robert, sons of John Usher of Aghalee.

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11. Sam McClatchy for English's tenement in Middle Row. Renewable for £1:14:0 in 12 months. Length 24ft. 1713 For the lives of Robert English and his daughter Jane. 1720 for Ann English, wife of John Corner.

12. Sam McClatchy for English's tenement in Middle Row. Renewable for £1:4:0 in 12 months. Length 24ft. In 1708 for the lives of Margery Wilson and Robert son of Joseph Lyness of Lurgan.

13. John Audley for "Old Guard House" in Middle Row. Not renewable. For his own life.

14. Stephen Gilbert for Robson's tenement in Middle Row. Renewable for £1. Length 22ft. 1715 lived Joseph, son of Joseph Robson. 1748 for lives of John, son of said Stephen and Henry Young, his son in law.

15. John Gilbert for tenement next to market house. Renewable for £1:8:0. 1738 for the life of Henry McClatchy, son of Samuel. He died lately in artillery.

16. Richard Johnston Esq. for Gill's tenement and for the farm forever.

17. Sam Turner and John Canake for Derry Bog. Renewable for £2 in 6 months. 3-1-0 acres. 1722 for the life of Samuel Turner. 1738 for the lives of Joseph Wilson and Elizabeth Turner now Canake.

18. Thomas Turner for Derry bog. Michael 1757. Jane Lucy and Elizabeth, his daughters.

19. Thomas Turner for McLevy's tenement. Renewable £2:10:0 in 6 months. 1701 for the life of Thomas Turner. 1750 John Turner Jnr. and Lucy the daughter of Thomas aged 15 years.

20. Thomas Turner for Gaynor Tenement. Renewable £3:12:0 in 6 months. 1724 for the life of Richard Gaynor. 1750 Jane Turner daughter of said Thomas aged 16 years. 1754 Elizabeth daughter of said Thomas aged 15 years.

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