Pigot's Directrory 1824
Pigot's Directory was a major directory starting in 1814. Pigot's Directories covered the period before official Civil Registration began and are a valuable source of information regarding all major professions, nobility, gentry, clergy, trades and occupations including taverns and public houses and much more are listed. There are even timetables of the coaches and carriers that served a town.
This is how Pigot's described Lurgan in 1824: In the county of Armagh, is sixty-seven miles north-by-west of Dublin, seventeen south-west of Belfast, fourteen north-north-cast of Armagh, seven north-by-east of Tanderagee, and five north-east of Portadown. It is a handsome, well built town, principally consisting of one wide street, which is well paved and remarkably clean. The church is a fine stone building, ornamented with a handsome spire, which gives it a dignified appearance; the Interior is no less beautiful and has an excellent organ. The Catholics, Presbyterians, Quakers and Methodists have each a place of worship. The court-house is a handsome stone building near the church. A school, which has been established here, is supported by subscriptions and an annual charity sermon; it educates upwards of two hundred children.
The patron of Lurgan is Charles Brownlow, esq, M. P., whose mansion and beautiful demense adjoin the town; the former is a very ancient building which has received many alterations and additions; the latter, which is always open to the inhabitants, is ornamented with rich plantations and a fine sheet of water, which abounds with various species of water fowl, and is surrounded by a broad gravel walk. Lurgan is a thriving town and is well situated for trade, being within two miles of Lough Neagh It has two noted breweries, and an extensive distillery lately built by Messrs. Greer and Boyd. The market every Friday for cambrics, lawns, diapers, and damasks, is very considerable. The fairs are on the 3rd of August, and the 22nd of November
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