Drumcree Protestant Householders ~ 1740

Achesen (Atkinson handwritten above this surname), George, Meredith, Edward, John and Widow
Adare, John
Adas, Ralph
Alexander, John
Anderson, Robert, William
Andrews, James, John
Ansle, Michael
Arnold, Edward
Aston, Thomas
Babe, Anth.
Baker, James
Bamer, Richard
Barran, James
Batterbee, James
Bell, Richard
Besenian, Richard
Best, George
Betty, Joseph, John
Bickit, William, William
Blacker, Samuel, George
Were, William
Bodle, Robert
Boyd, Joseph
Bradley, John
Brown, John, Hugh
Browlee, George, Hugh, Thos, Alex, Thos
Brownlow, James, John
Bryans, John
Bullock, Robert
Burley, Henry
Burniston, Anthony
Byars, James
Caftan, Sal
Caiwell, William
Cath, James
Carrick, Ralph
Cashell, James
Clayton, Thos, John, Anthony, Francis, John, John, William
Colburn, Samuel
Connor, John
Cope, George, (Rev.)
Corbit, John
Corek, Richard
Corcran, James
Corkitt, Richard
Con Daniel
Corron, George, Robert
Crany, Roger
Crosbie, William
Davis, Thomas, Thomas
Devlin, Hugh
Diell, Robert
Dillin, Thomas
Dimon, Henry
Divanny, Hugh
Donellan, William, Samuel
fond, Widow
Dugan, Archibald
Duke, Hary
Dune, John
English, David
Evans, Daniel, John, Ben
Farguson, David, Edward. David
Farsony, Edmund
Fife, John
Fleming, John, John
Flevelle, Thomas
Forster, Robert
Freeburn, Hary
Fynagan, William
Garland, Martin
Garner, Thomas
Georges, Thomas
Gillaspy, John, Robert, John
Gilpin, John
Graham, Widow, John, David, John, James
Gray, M.
Griffith, Thomas
Grimason, William
Guil Har.
Hall, Thomas
Hamilton, James, Hugh, Hand, Martha, Thos.
Hardy, John, James
Harker, Thomas
Hassison, William, John
Hart, Robert, Isaac
Ifelady, Wid.
Helland (or Holland), Jaet, Henry, Geo.
Henan, Daniel
Hendry, John, Lanty
Henry, Daniel
Hetherton, Widow
Hewitt, Thomas
Hide, John
Hitchgard, William
Higins, John
Hipson, Rose
liolinan, Robert
honeyford, Wid.
Hodgan, William
Hunt, John
Hurley, Michael
Irwin, John, George
Johnston, Robert, Nathaniel, William
Jones, Robert, John, John
Joyce, James, George, Hugh
Kelly, Daniel, John
Kelop, Thomas
King, James, John
Kingycrok, William
Laky, Sanders
Langmor, Mary, James
Lawson, Mary, John, William, Sarah
Lenam, Samuel
Lindsay, William
Little, Widow, William
Lorkan, Hugh
Love, William
Lyn, Daniel
M'Carratran, John
M'Carthy, James
M'Conali, James
M'Culiah, William, James, William, James
M'Donnell, Alexander
M'Dowell, John
M'Goh, William
M'Glains, John
M'Kee, William
M'Quillan, James, Toby
M'Grally, Murt.
Madden, John
Madole, Pat, John
Magowan, Thomas
Maholem, John
Major, Robert, John
Malone, John
Many, Pat
Mason, Bary
Matchett, John
May, Thomas, Ben, John
Mercer, John, William, Mrs.
Mill, Nath.
Miller, Catherine, David, Widow, Robt.
Mitchell, Samuel
Monypenny, Mt
Moore, Samuel, Mark
Morris, Anthony, Anthony, Pat
Morrison, Alexander, Anthony
Morrow, Pat, William, George
Murfy, Richard, Archibald
Netelton, Jerem,
Nisbitt, Joseph
Obins, Anthony
Overend, John
Paterson, John
Paticue, John
Paull, Thomas
Pegan, James
Peper, Thomas, Mr.
Poimer, John
Porter, John, John
Ramsey, John
Ranells, Edward
Rednrnn, Chris.
Reed, Widow, John
Reiley, John
Reminton, Tim
Richards, John
Ripley, James
Robb, John, William, James, Man.
Robinson, Mr., Henry, John, Thomas
Rogers, Matt., John, Bryan, George
Ross, Jo,
Russell, Samuel, James, Thomas, Wm. Richard, James, Ruth, Conalan
Sanderson, John
Savage, H.
Scofield, Samuel
Scott, John
Serjan, Joseph,William. William
Shontrigs, Mr.
Simenton, Richard
Sinter, James
Spence, Thomas
Smith, Gam., David, John, Robert, Wm.
Strain, James
Stuart, James
Tedford, Nicholas
Tegart, Hugh
Templeton, William
Thompson, Thomas, Thomas, George
Thorn, David
Thornbury, Thomas
Tilt, Thomas
Tipin, H.
Todd, Sara
Totton, John
Watt, Daniel
Waton, l.Jmfrey, Robert
Weir, John, William, John
Whaley, William, James
White, George
Whiteside, Widow
Williams, Richard, Hary, John
Wills, John
Willson, Ralph, Charles, Andrew
Woodhouse, John
Woods, Thomas
Woolsey, Mr. John, Benjamin
Wakman, John Meredith
Wouths,Wm., Richard, James, John, Thomas, Edward, John, Richard
Yeoman, John Robert.

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