Drumcree Rent and Tithe Payers List ~ 1737
Surnames M - Z

From the inventory of Rev. Mr Letherbarrow, 'late rector of Drumcree'

MaClohlin, Jas. Drumherif
Maddin, John, Maddin, Tor. Drumnakelly
Maflole, Patt. Artabracca
MaGibbin, Jas. Corcrin
McGlumph, John. Ballyworkan
Magowan, Jas. Drumnasoon
Mallagh, John. Torcullentragh
Malpool, Art. Pontadown
Many, Tor. Corbranan
Many, Widow. Derymattery
Marty, Hen. Ballynagown (Otragh Upper)
Mawbinney, Brice. Torcullentragh
May, John. Ballvworkan
M'Cafry, Patt. Ballyworkan
M'Can, Ant. Shechin
M'Can, Brian. Derryletive
M'Can, Clem. Portadown
M'Can, Daniel. Canagolobeg
M'Can, Owen. Ballimugown
M'Can, Patt. Derryanasill
M'Can, Rodger. Corbranan
M'Can, Widow. Anagh
M'Collagh, William. Drumlelan
M'Collester, John. Torcutlentragh
M'Connell, Widow. Anagh
M'Cool, Peter. Canagolobeg
M'Cullagh, Jas. Canagolobeg
M'Cullagh, Wm. Timakeel
M'Donell, Alex. Richmount
M'Donell, John. Drumnakelly
M'Donnel Alex. Ballynagown (Etragh Lower)
M'Gee, Edw. Bailyworkan
M'Ginnis, Ford. Anagh
M'Gorkian, Tor. Torcullentragh
M'l-Iaeelin, Roland. Derrynasill
M'Halom, Hugh. Portadown
M'Kee, William. Bauerylom
M'Knox, Robert. Portadown
M'Lindon, Chars., M'Lindon, Donely, Cangolomore
M'Lowland, Oh. Bellyfadren
M'Nally, Hugh. Derryall
M'Nally Murt., M'Nally, Tur. Derrycan
M'Queelin, Evet. Derrcory
M'Queelin, Jas. Portadown
M'Rory, John. Batterylom
M'Tarsney, Edward. Derrcory
M'Veagh, (no given name listed). Derryniskin
M'Veagh, Hugh. Corbranan; M'Vegh, David, M'Vegh, Edward. Cangolomore
M'Veigh, Jas. Derrycor (Derrycaw)
M'Very (?M'Rory), Jas. Artabracca
Mees, Thomas. Batterylom
Mennypenny, Mr. Anagh
Miller, David. Portadown
Miller, Matthew. Portadown
Miller, Robt. Portadown
Miller, William. Batterylom
Mil, Jane. Baltimagown
Money, Jas. Drumnasoon
Moore, Mark. Breagh
Morris, Patt. Ballynagown (Etragh Lower)
Morrow, George. Clenmarten
Muldoon, John. Mullentine;
Mu, Amb. Cloonagh
Mu, Owen. Derryanasill
Mulkain, Dennis. Farrow-Hill
Mulkevey, Widow. Mockrey
Mullen, William. Cangolomore
Mullhollond, Cor. Corbranan
Mulligar, John. Drumnasoon
Mulvena, Edw. Drumeenagh
Murphy, Edward. Artabracca
Murphy, John. Derrycory
Murphy, John. Drumeenagh
Murphy, Arch., Murphy, Richard. Timakeel
O'Conlon, Teige. Derryanasill
O'Conly, Art. Onchonagh
O'Corr, Patt. Derryletive
O'Feron, Dan. Mullentine
O'Henon, Paul. Shelchin
O'Marly, Dan. Anagh
O'Monon, Brian. Corbranan
O'Neil, Hugh. Portadown
O Brian, Artabracca
O'Neill, Con. Ballynagown (Etragh Lower)
O'Neill, John. Portadown
O'Neill, Ter. Killmuirerty
Overand, John. Portadown
Palmer, Richard. Artabracca
Patterson, John. Derryanasill
Paul, Samuel. Anagh
Pelos, Mary. Ballimagown
Porter, John sen., Porter, John jun. Portadown
Quin, John. Drumnakelly
Quin, Owen. Richmount
Redman, Carter. Ballyoran
Redman, Edw. Drumenally
Regan, Widow. Regan, Jas. Bellyfadren
Richy, Patt. Derrrybroughas
Robb, Jas. Derrybroughas
Robinson, Alex., Robinson, Thos. Richmount
Rodgers, George. Anagh
Rodgers, John sen., Rodgers, John jun. Portadown
Rosman, Richard. Richmount
Russell, Jas., Russell, Richard. Ballyworkan
Sanders, John. Artabracca
Savage, Hugh. Timakeel
Serjant, Jos. Shelchin
Shortrigs, Mr. Portadown
Simon, Richard. Bellyfadren
Small Matt. Ballyworkan
Smyth, Wm. Drumeenagh
Spence, Thos. Shelchin
Stratton, Humph. Artabracca
Tegart, Hugh. Derryanasili
Teneman/Tereman, Henry. Timakeel
Thomnburg, Thos. Timokeel
Tidlord, Mich. Derryletive
Tod, Widow. Drumhertf
Toreman, Henry. Timakeel
Totton, Ann. Torcullentragh
Tilimner, Mr. Cangolomore
Thmner, William. Drumnakelly
Watts, John. Torcullentragh
Weir, John. Richmount
Weim, John. Timakeel
White, George. Artabracca
Widnell, Wm. Foymore
Williams, Robt. Derrymattery
Wills, John. Ballyworkan
Wil, Ralph. Derryanasill
Wilson, Robt. Shelchin
Woods, Thos. Foybeg
Wright, Edward. Drumnakelly
Wright, Fran. Mahan
Wright, George. Timakeel
Wright, Jas. Artabracca
Wright, John. Cloonagh
Wright, Richard. Artabracca
Wright, Richard. Drumher
Wright, Thomas. Artabracca
Yemans, Robt. Ballimagown
Yeomans, John. Ballmagowan

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