Lurgan Coat of Arms The Armagh Guardian

11 April, 1891  


LURGAN, FRIDAY – One of the fiercest and most destructive fires have occurred in this town for a considerable time broke out about five o’clock p.m. this evening in the extensive business establishment of Mr. Samuel Malcolm, situate in Victoria Street, and notwithstanding the promptest and most energetic exertions of the fire brigade and of a host of volunteer assistants, the conflagration was not extinguished until the entire block of premises had been gutted. The valuable stock-in-trade in Mr. Malcolm’s two shops, as well as his household furniture, had been destroyed, with the exception of certain articles removed when the alarm was first raised. The stock-in-trade was of an inflammable character, and the flames spread with astonishing rapidity, and by the time the fire brigade arrived the fire had already extended from the furniture shop into that employed in the grocery business.

Fortunately, and as rarely happens in Lurgan, there was an ample supply of water at hand. Mr George A. Crawford, who is the landlord of the premises, placing his large tank at the disposal of the firemen. For a time it was hoped that, at least, a portion of the grocery shop might be saved, but, as already mentioned, the entire premises have been gutted, and not a little damage, it is stated, has been done to part of the adjoining premises of Mr. Crawford. It is understood that Mr. Malcolm succeeded in securing his books and a sum of money which was in one of the drawers; but money in another part of the premises is not now forthcoming. We are informed that the disaster has occurred at a very unfortunate moment when Mr. Malcolm had just placed in stock a large supply of new goods for the spring and summer trade. It may be mentioned that a pony in a stable at the rear of the buildings was somewhat burned, and the poor animal on escaping from confinement plunged wildly into the street, and there was much difficulty in securing it. The stock-in-trade, household furniture, and effects were partly – it is stated very inadequately – insured in The Sun Fire and Life Assurance Office. It may be added that Mr. S. Malcolm was one of the first to commence business on the lower side of the railway gates, on the Lough Neagh Road in Lurgan – a district which both from mercantile and residential standpoint, has developed with such marked rapidity during the past four or five years.

Much sympathy is expressed with him in the serious misfortune that has now overtaken him. The fire brigade were in charge of Mr. John Long, superintendent, and Deputy-Superintendent Dunwoody.


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